
试卷更新日期:2017-03-03 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. _____ my cousin is very young, _____ she can help with the housework.

    A、Once; 不填  B、Though; but C、Although; 不填
  • 2. Either you           your sister         because one of you must stay at home.

    A、or, goes  B、nor, go     C、or, go
  • 3. You may come to see me on        Saturday        Sunday.

    A、either, and B、either, or C、both, or D、both, to
  • 4. It will be 2 years ______ we see each other again.

    A、after B、before C、if D、though
  • 5. —What's your plan for the summer holidays?
    —I'll go to Beijing _______ the school terms ends.

    A、in order that B、so that C、as soon as D、even though
  • 6. You will achieve great success _______you have a dream and believe in it.

    A、after B、although C、until D、if
  • 7. ——The air pollution is terrible.  
    ——It will be worse ________ we take action to protect the environment.

    A、if B、unless C、until D、when
  • 8. ___________ the boy is four, he can draw well.

    A、Although B、So C、Because of D、Because
  • 9. I always enjoy visiting London, _________ I wouldn't like to live there.


    A、because B、so C、but D、and
  • 10. _______ Lily _______ Sam likes popular songs, so they went to Lin Feng's concert together last night.

    A、Neither; nor B、Not only; but also C、Both; and D、Either; or
  • 11. The students were reading aloud _______ the bell rang and class was over.

    A、when B、while C、as D、whenever
  • 12. Don't move the desk          your teacher allows you.

    A、if B、since C、because D、unless