牛津版(深圳•广州)初中英语八年级上册Module 2 Science and technology Unit 4 Inventions 综合复习

试卷更新日期:2018-09-14 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —Mr Black often tells funny stories.

    —Yes. He can always make us laugh.

    A、boring B、terrible C、humorous
  • 2. —I invented a new type of bike. Try it.

    —Oh, it's hard to ride. I don't think it's practical.

    A、difficult B、successful C、useful
  • 3. —This kind of flower is very special.

    —It grows in another country. Most people have never seen it.

    A、unusual B、beautiful C、common
  • 4. —l want to buy a new lamp. The old one doesn't work.

    —OK. I'll go with you tomorrow.

    A、light B、watch C、phone
  • 5. —Tom's parents died five years ago.

    —And since then, he has lived alone.

    A、at that time B、from then on C、from time to time
  • 6. —Will you keep in touch with me after you return to America?

    —Of course. I will write to you every month.

    A、work with B、play with C、communicate with
  • 7. —The sign tells people to keep off the grass.

    —But many people still walk on the grass.

    A、stay away from B、stand next to C、leave behind


  • 8. If you ________ something, you produce it for the first time.
    A、include B、check C、invent
  • 9. A ________ is a period of a hundred year.
    A、century B、month C、week
  • 10. —We should keep some ________ at home.

    —OK. We can use them when the electricity is off.

    A、candles B、fire C、water
  • 11. —The two villages are far away from each other.

    —Indeed. The ________ between them is at least 100 kilometres.

    A、weight B、distance C、height
  • 12. —Bats usually sleep ________.

    —And they come out to hunt for food at night.

    A、at the same time B、at the moment C、in the daytime
  • 13. —Jim doesn't have time to see a film with us.

    —But Jack will go ________ him.

    A、except for B、instead of C、together with
  • 14. —Mary and I arrived at school ________ yesterday morning.

    —I know. I saw you two come into the classroom together.

    A、at the same time B、at that time C、at times


  • 15. —My mum asks me to be a teacher. I think being a teacher is good, but being a manager is a ________ choice.

    —For you, I think to become an engineer is the ________.

    A、better, better B、good, better C、better, best D、good, best
  • 16. Those paintings are all bad, and the one in the middle is ________.
    A、worst B、the worst C、worse D、bad
  • 17. —I think science is more useful than art.

    —I disagree. I think art is ________ science.

    A、not as useful as B、much useful than C、the most useful of D、as useful as
  • 18. My house is ________ away from the school. Li Ping's house is ________ than mine, and Liu Mei's house is ________.
    A、far, farther, farthest B、far, farther, farther C、far, father, the farthest D、farther, farther, the farthest
  • 19. Alice has ________ her sister. So she has to spend one more hour finishing it.
    A、twice as much housework as B、twice so much housework as C、as twice much housework as D、twice housework as much as
