新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语九年级全册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. 单元练习

试卷更新日期:2018-08-28 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. He wanted to know how long       in hospital.
    A、she is staying B、she had stayed C、did she stay D、she stay
  • 2. I saw Li Lei yesterday.We hadn't seen each other       I left Beijing.
    A、after B、before C、since D、until
  • 3. All the skirts       .They       very well.
    A、sold out;are sold B、sell out;have sold C、have been sold out;sell D、have sold out;sell
  • 4. It is good for you to read       .
    A、so many books as you can B、as many books as you can C、so much book as you could D、as much book as you could
  • 5. —Why didn't you       at the party?

    —Because my little sister was ill.I had to look after her.

    A、show up B、wake up C、give up D、stay up
  • 6. The beautiful lady is going to be married     an doctor.
    A、with B、to C、for D、/
  • 7. Don't play a      on Mike. He is so serious.
    A、fool B、joke C、lie D、game
  • 8. I will try     the same mistake in my homework again.
    A、to not make B、not making C、not to make D、not make
  • 9. Seeing Danel went into the classroom with tears in his eyes, I asked him what    .
    A、happened B、had happened C、would happen D、was happened
  • 10. He bought     ChinaDaily from a street corner machine this morning.
    A、a page of B、a piece of C、a book of D、a copy of
  • 11. My grandparents     for fifty years by the time My sister was 15.
    A、married B、had married C、had got married D、had been married
  • 12. —What did Mr. Zhang say?

    —He     the results of the game.

    A、developed B、divided C、announced D、created
  • 13. At the New Year's party, all of the teachers in my school       .
    A、set up B、handed up C、hurried up D、showed up
  • 14.       the end of last year I hadn't received any gifts from my parents.
    A、At B、By C、In D、To
  • 15. —Did you get there on time yesterday?

    —No. I     the first train yesterday. So I had to take the next one.

    A、forgot B、missed C、mistook D、got
  • 16. Look! The plane is flying       the clouds.
    A、over B、on C、in D、above
  • 17. It's too cold outside today. You'd better    your jacket.
    A、put on B、put up C、take off D、take after
  • 18. Some students had to    doing homework, because they should hand in the homework the next day.
    A、stay up B、show up C、go up D、cut up
  • 19. The little boy    me a few minutes before his mother showed up.
    A、stares at B、has stared at C、looks at D、had stared at
  • 20. —You don't look happy. What's the matter?

    —The    talk made me very     just now.

    A、embarrassed; embarrassed B、embarrassed; embarrassing C、embarrassing; embarrassing D、embarrassing; embarrassed


  • 21. 完形填空

        Jasmine stood in the hall, seeming very calm.She thought she1ready for the English speech.She2 very hard at her speech during the last two weeks. She had memorized her words of the speech very well3she arrived at the hall. She had even stayed up the whole night 4 the speech by herself at home. However, as the English speech was about to begin, she became very5.She realized that she had forgotten6 her notecards already. She seemed 7.She didn't know8she could do well in the speech. Luckily she had practiced 9 well that she didn't use her notecards at all. Jasmine performed very well in the speech and gave an amazing speech.And she ended up10 first prize in the speech. Everyone was very happy.

    A、is B、was C、were D、am
    A、working B、has worked C、had worked D、works
    A、after B、around C、as D、before
    A、practicing B、practices C、practiced D、practice
    A、excited B、nervous C、happy D、lucky
    A、taking B、to taking C、to take D、takes
    A、worried B、excited C、interested D、surprised
    A、when B、what C、if D、why
    A、so B、such C、very D、quite
    A、won B、wining C、wins D、winning


  • 22. 阅读理解

        Spain is famous for its tomato festival, called La Tomatina. It happens in a small town Hanoi on the last Wednesday of August every year. During the festival there are all kinds of activities, but the most exciting part is the tomato fight. It takes place at the end of a week-long celebration. You are encouraged to throw tomatoes in the fight. There're many stories about how the festival began. One of the stories goes that during the 1940's, some friends started a tomato fight, while another story is about a local band. Anyway, everyone in Bunol seems to have a different story. Before the tomato fight, there are parades (游行), musical bands, street parties and so on.

        On the day of the fight, shopkeepers cover their windows and doors in order to keep away from the tomato fight. At the same time, thousands of tourists and local people come to the town square together. Then large trucks (卡车)full of tomatoes arrive. From the back of the large trucks, a great town band starts to throw tomatoes at others. Then the crowds fight back, throwing the tomatoes at anything and anyone. Soon the streets are in the sea of red tomato juice.

        Everyone should obey a small number of rules: You must squash (压烂)the tomato before throwing it and you are allowed to throw nothing but tomatoes.

        It is usually over in less than half an hour. Everyone then sets off to the river to clear up. Sounds like fun!

    (1)、The most exciting activity of the festival is    .
    A、parades B、street parties C、the tomato fight D、the musical band show
    (2)、The stories about how the festival began are     according to the passage.
    A、very clear B、rather sad C、very famous D、quite different
    (3)、On the fight day,      .
    A、people fight for the whole day B、people can throw everything C、shopkeepers are not allowed to watch people fight D、lots of tourists and local people take part in the fight
    (4)、People get tomatoes from      according to the passage.
    A、a truck B、a shop C、their homes D、a garden
    (5)、The best title of the passage can be    .
    A、Travel in Spain B、The Tomato Festival in Spain C、The History of Spain D、Rules of the Tomato Festival
  • 23. 阅读理解

        April Fool's Day should be a day to play jokes on others in hopes of getting a good laugh and making one feel like a fool. However, the April Fool's Day of 1989 was quite different for my mom and me.

        That day my friend Jimmy and I were playing a game. I had dropped down from a bar(横木)many times in the past without ever having a problem, but that day the simple act of dropping to the ground became a nightmare(噩梦). I broke my arm.

        Jimmy's dad heard my crying and rushed out to see what was going on. When he saw the problem, he quickly put me into his truck and went inside to telephone my mom and let her know he would take me to the hospital. As that day was April Fool's Day,Morn was not buying it and really thought all this was a big joke. Mom was finally convinced by Jimmy's mom. When she saw me, she broke down in tears because she felt so bad-she originally thought this was just a big prank(恶作剧).

        I guess one could compare this to the story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”. Since I had pulled pranks before, it is no wonder that my mom didn't believe it. I as well as my mom was made to look like a fool that day. We both learned a valuable lesson.

    (1)、What happened to the writer on the April Fool's Day of 1989?
    A、He dreamed a terrible dream. B、He was hurt by Jimmy. C、He had an accident. D、He fooled his mom with his friend.
    (2)、Why did Jimmy's dad phone the writer's mom?
    A、Because he wanted to play a joke on her. B、Because he wanted her to go to the hospital to pay the money. C、Because he wanted to see how deeply she loved her son. D、Because he wanted to inform her of the accident.
    (3)、What does the underlined sentence “Mom was not buying it” mean?
    A、She didn't believe what Jimmy's dad said. B、She would not like to pay the money. C、She had no preparation for the bad news. D、She thought her son deserved(应受) it.
    (4)、Why did the writer mention the story of“The Boy Who Cried Wolf”?
    A、Because he thought it was his mom's fault. B、Because he had a lesson like that. C、Because he was proud of his story. D、Because he felt he was luckier than that boy.
    (5)、From the passage we can infer that     .
    A、the writer's mom didn't care much about him B、the writer was a dishonest person C、the writer won't as before D、the writer will lose interest in games
  • 24. 阅读理解


    A white cat with two big blue eyes.

    If you find it, please call Sam at 385-0926.Many thanks.

    Titanic 3D

    Saturday and Sunday

    Showtime Cinema

    $20 ( half for children under 12 )

    Call David at 332-5147.


    A Christmas Carol  -by Charles DickensA story of ChristmasThe true meaning of Christmas

    was  $59.60

    now  $29.60


    2 sunny bedrooms with a kitchen.

    $500 a month

    Call Mary at 591-3127 for more information.

    (1)、Who lost a white cat with two big blue eyes?
    A、Sam B、David C、Mary D、Charles.
    (2)、You need to pay    if you buy the book AChristmasCarol now.
    A、$ 59.60 B、$ 49.60 C、$ 39.60 D、$ 29.60
    (3)、On what day can we see Titanic 3D in the Showtime Cinema?
    A、Every day. B、Friday and Saturday. C、Saturday and Sunday. D、Thursday and Sunday.
    (4)、If you want to rent a house, you can call    .
    A、385-0926 B、591-3127 C、332-5147 D、592-5147
    (5)、Those ads above are most probably from a    .
    A、map B、dictionary C、newspaper D、guidebook


  • 25. 用括号中所给词的适当形式完成短文。

        Brian was not good at public speaking.One day,he  (invite) to make a speech at a church.His  (young) sister,Ann knew he was nervous and tried to calm him down.“Don't worry.Everything  (be) fine.”When the day came,Brian's car had an accident on the way to the church.Luckily,he was not badly hurt and  (arrive) at the church on time.It was his turn.By the time he stood up,his coat  (become) tangled with his chair.After a few minutes,he finally began his speech.But he was so nervous that he dropped his book.Many people thought he would run,but he  (go) on.

        Suddenly,people saw something unusual  (run) down from his nose,blood!He stopped  (speak) when he saw the blood.But he still tried  (finish) his speech.Then Ann handed him her handkerchief and gave him a smile.

        In the end,Brian finished his talk with more confidence.He said that he (never succeed) like that before.Now Brian is not a shy boy any more.
