新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语九年级全册Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 单元练习

试卷更新日期:2018-08-28 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. My dog is very    .It is safe to touch him if you want to.
    A、smart B、brave C、happy D、friendly
  • 2. Most Chinese children like to sleep with their mothers. They are    the dark.
    A、interested in B、full of C、afraid of D、sure of
  • 3. Tony used    in the village when he was a child.
    A、to live B、to living C、lived D、living
  • 4. —Do you like seeing a movie on your mobile phone?

    —No.I     do that because it makes me uncomfortable.

    A、seldom B、often C、usually D、sometimes
  • 5. The little boy    his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.
    A、lent B、offered C、took D、brought
  • 6. No matter what you do, you must be careful     what he said.
    A、off B、at C、in D、about
  • 7. David Beckham decided to     playing football match forever because he is not energetic enough.
    A、put off B、deal with C、break off D、give up
  • 8. He     the office. He is having a meeting.
    A、is absent in B、absent in C、absent from D、is absent from
  • 9. His wife advised him     drinking, but he wouldn't.
    A、to give up B、gives up C、gave up D、giving up
  • 10. —Mom, I was the first to reach the top of the mountain.

    —Good job, Charlie. I'm     of you.

    A、tired B、proud C、sure D、sick
  • 11. He has been     deeply by his father.
    A、influenced B、influence C、affect D、effect
  • 12.     you use to have long hair?
    A、Are B、Were C、Do D、Did
  • 13. He could properly deal     all kinds of situations.
    A、to B、into C、at D、with
  • 14. —How is your grandma?

    —She's fine. She used to     TV at home after supper. But now she is used to     out for a walk.

    A、watch; go B、watching; go C、watching; going D、watch; going
  • 15. The child doesn't need any help. He is old enough to    himself.
    A、put on B、wear C、dress D、take care
  • 16. We often hear some students     spoken English in the English corner.
    A、practiced B、practicing C、practice D、was practicing
  • 17. Great changes    in my hometown in the last few years.
    A、took place B、will take place C、have taken place D、have been taken place
  • 18. I have decided to go there    it rains tomorrow.
    A、even though B、but C、when D、as soon as
  • 19. The man tried several times to start the car, and he succeeded    .
    A、in the past B、in the end C、at first D、at once
  • 20. The    action movie has attracted millions of young people to the cinema.
    A、130-minute B、130-minutes C、130 minute D、130 minutes


  • 21. 完形填空

        My husband died and I became very angry. I hated being alone. One day, as I was 1down a busy street, I suddenly noticed a beautiful new fence (栅栏)around a house. The 2 still smelled of fresh paint.

        “Hello!” I came up and said to a 3 in the back garden, “I came to see the fence, it's so beautiful! ”

        “Oh! The fence is not there for me,” the lady explained to me in a calm voice, ”I live alone.

        4 so many people pass by every day, I think they maybe pleased to see something really wonderful.  5 stop like you and come up to have a chat.”

        “But weren't you 6when they expanded (拓宽)the road and everything changed so much?”“Change is part of life and takes part in making us who we are. When something we do not like happens to us, we have7choices to become a bitter (痛苦的)person or to become a better person.”

        Her reply changed my life, I carefully left the gate open and drove on 8a new feeling inside me. I could not tell9it was, but I could feel the thick stone wall around my 10 heart breaking off.

    A、walking B、riding C、driving D、running
    A、street B、paint C、house D、fence
    A、boy B、man C、lady D、girl
    A、But B、Thus C、And D、As
    A、Few B、A few C、Everyone D、None
    A、happy B、friendly C、hungry D、sad
    A、one B、two C、three D、four
    A、with B、for C、to D、by
    A、when B、where C、who D、what
    A、surprise B、happy C、angry D、sad


  • 22. 阅读短文,完成小题。

        If you think you're too shy and want to be a little bit braver, try the following. You can make it.

         ① There's no need to hide(隐藏)it. When they get to know you're a shy kid, they'll understand you better. This also helps you feel more at ease in talks.

         ② When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk to. Remember that other people also have feelings and most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.

         ③ If you find it hard to start talks, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn't it make you want to keep talking to that person?

         ④ Think more about ways to enjoy the party or the game. Don't waste time worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not.

        Take one small step at a time. Each time after you say “Hi” or smile at someone for the first time, say to yourself “You did it!” Or it could be something bigger, like buying yourself an ice cream.

        Keep trying and one day you'll never be “shy” when you talk to others.

    (1)、The phrase “make it” means “”.

    A.Learn to be a good talker.

    B.Get your attention elsewhere.

    C.Tell people you're shy.

    D.Try to smile more.

    (4)、Which sentence has the same meaning as “people will stay away from an angry-looking face”?
    A、Some people want to make others angry. B、People don't want to talk to the people who look angry. C、Angry people don't want to talk with others. D、Don't look at angry people.
  • 23. 阅读理解

        “Homestay is a form of study abroad program. It allows the visitor to rent a room from a local(当地的)family to better understand the local lifestyle. It also helps to improve the visitor's language ability,” said a teacher during a school meeting last term. “Students who wish to learn more about foreign cultures or to get foreign experience should join this kind of holiday. I am sure you won't be disappointed(失望的).”

        After this special meeting, I always thought about this kind of holiday. Last month, I had a chance at last to go on such a holiday with some of my schoolmates and we went to London, a place where I had wanted to go since years ago.

        As we were still young, we had a group leader who planned things for us and looked after us. After we got to London, we went to stay with different families. I was lucky that my host family(寄宿家庭) was a white couple who had a daughter about my age. They treated me as a daughter of their family during my stay there. They were interested in me and I learnt a lot of things from them, too.

        The holiday was filled with activities every day. After breakfast, a local teacher would come to take us in his car. Then we would have classes or go on a sightseeing trip to different places of interest like the Big Ben, the London Bridge, and the Buckingham Palace. We would go back to our own homes after the activities.

        The holiday was a valuable experience for me. I enjoyed every minute of it. Yet, time really flew fast. Three weeks later, we had to leave “homes”for Hong Kong.

    (1)、In the “homestay”program, a visitor can    .
    A、learn more about holidays B、understand his culture better C、improve the language ability D、take part in foreign meetings
    (2)、The writer had wanted to visit London since    .
    A、last month B、years ago C、the special meeting D、her stay abroad
    (3)、The group leader should    .
    A、make plans for the family B、take care of the students C、stay with different families D、rent rooms to the students
    (4)、The writer's host family    .
    A、was very kind to her B、went sightseeing with her C、had two white daughters D、was interested in her activities
    (5)、From the passage, we know that the writer    in London.
    A、wished to stay a little longer B、spent three weeks in her home C、had classes in many interesting places D、helped the teacher take the students in a car
  • 24. 阅读理解

        Six years ago, Ann graduated(毕业)from college with a degree in Art. Now she is twenty-nine and works for a large computer company. She takes classes twice after work. She is learning to use the computer program Power Point. “I enjoy the college, but my job doesn't use the information I learned at college, ” Ann says. “The course(课程)is helping me to do my job better.”

        In the past, when students graduated from college and got a job, they usually stopped studying. Today lifelong learning is becoming more common. In many countries, some people return to school in their late twenties, or even older to get a higher degree. More people are taking training courses to improve their working skills after work. People can also get degrees or training through the Internet. Ann's sixty-year-old mother and father are taking courses in Art and Music. “We love these two subjects. Learning is so much fun,” they say happily. “It's never too old to learn.”

    (1)、Ann graduated from college when she was ________.
    A、twenty-nine B、twenty-six C、twenty-three D、twenty
    (2)、The word“degree” in the passage means ________.
    A、温度 B、程度 C、学位 D、位置
    (3)、More people are taking training courses after work in order to________.
    A、improve their working skills B、enjoy Art and Music C、study the computer program D、make more money
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、Ann doesn't want to use the information she learned at college. B、People in the past usually stopped studying after graduating from college. C、People can only get information from their teachers. D、Ann's parents are too old to learn Art and Music.
    (5)、The best title(题目)of the passage is________.
    A、Internet Study B、College Education C、Art Learning D、Lifelong Learning



  • 33. Mike过去常做的一件事是什么呢?请阅读短文并将所给单词填入文后空白处,有些词要做必要的词形变化。

    angry    pass    stay    because    fun    time    call    but    school    give

        Mike is a middle school student. He used to play computer games. He thought he could get a lot offrom the games. Sometimes he didn't go to school andin a net bar all day. The teacherhis parents and told them that Mike didn't come to.After his parents knew he played computer games in net bars, they werewith Mike and decided not tohim pocket money any more. He couldn't play computer gameshe had no money. Every time hea net bar, he stopped to take a look,he didn't get into it. After a long, he gave up playing computer games. Now he has become a good student.