新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语七年级上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 单元练习

试卷更新日期:2018-08-22 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. —Do you know if Jack will drive to London this weekend?

    —Jack? Never! He_____ driving so far.

    A、has hated B、will hate C、hated D、hates
  • 2. Do you like ____ TV?
    A、watches B、watching C、to watch D、B and C
  • 3. There was a ship accident in Korea. About 288 ______ were lost and 16 _____ are still missing.
    A、lives;child B、life;children C、lives;children D、life;child
  • 4. Can he __________ English?
    A、speak B、speaks C、say D、says
  • 5. Who_______ a poster in your class?
    A、has B、have C、is have D、do have
  • 6. His shoes_______ black. His_______ are white.
    A、is; coat B、are; jeans C、am; shirt D、are; sweater
  • 7. —_______ you _______ a radio?

    — No, I_______.

    A、Are; have; are B、Do; have; don't C、Do; has; don't D、Does; have; do
  • 8. —_______ do you have for dinner?

    —A big hamburger.

    A、Who B、What C、Where D、When
  • 9. I have lunch at school, but my sister_______ lunch at school.
    A、isn't have B、hasn't have C、doesn't have D、don't have
  • 10. —Do you like English or Chinese?


    A、Yes, I do B、No, I don't C、Yes, I like English D、I like English
  • 11. My grandmother eats ________ food, so she is in good________.
    A、health; health B、healthy; healthy C、healthy;health D、health;healthy
  • 12. —_____________?

    —I'd like the tomato noodles.

    A、How do you like B、What do you like C、Do you like something D、What kind of noodles would you like
  • 13. _________ make any noise. Your baby brother is sleeping.
    A、Not B、Be not C、No D、Don't
  • 14. —Do you like fast food?

    —No, I don't. I _______ go to KFC.

    A、always B、often C、seldom D、usually
  • 15. We like to talk _______ each other _______ interesting things after school.
    A、with;about B、with; with C、about;with D、about;about


  • 16. 完形填空

        Do you like sports and games ?1 schools in Guangzhou do not have space for games, but the students still do sports.These schools often2PE lessons , either on the playground or on the corridors(走廊) of the 3.

        Only a4schools have their playing fields for students . Basketball becomes a common5at Guangzhou schools6students can play it in a7space .Also many schools 8badminton courts and table tennis table . At9once a year ,each school has a Sports Day ,10 the day , most of the students take part in many kinds of sports .

    A、Many B、Much C、More D、Most
    A、do B、has C、have D、had
    A、building B、buildings C、office D、playground
    A、lot B、few C、lots D、little
    A、game B、homework C、book D、games
    A、and B、but C、because D、so
    A、large B、big C、open D、small
    A、has B、have C、there is D、there are
    A、late B、last C、least D、latest
    A、In B、On C、At D、Before


  • 17. 阅读短文,选择合适的选项。

        One evening Tim is driving his car in the country and looking for a hotel. Then he sees an old man on the side of the road, so he stops his car and says to the old man, "Where is Sun Hotel? Will you please tell me how to get there?" "Yes," the old man answers. "I'll show you the way." He gets into Tim's car, and they drive for about 12 kilometres. When they come to a small house, the old man says, "Stop here." Tim stops and looks at the house. And he says to the old man, "But this isn't a hotel." "No," the old man answers. "This is my house. And now I'll show you the way to Sun Hotel. Turn back and go 9 kilometres. Then you'll see the hotel on your left. "

    (1)、Tim wants to stay _______ for the night.
    A、in his car B、in the old man's house C、in the hotel D、in the street
    (2)、Tim stops to_______.
    A、drive the old man home B、ask the way C、buy something D、say "hello" to the old man
    (3)、The old man takes Tim to_______.
    A、a hospital B、a policeman C、a hotel D、his home
    (4)、In fact(实际上), it's only about_______ kilometres to get to Sun Hotel.
    A、three B、six C、nine D、twelve
    (5)、At last, Tim drives_______ kilometres more to Sun Hotel.
    A、twelve B、eighteen C、twenty-one D、twenty-four
  • 18. 阅读短文,选择合适的选项。

        Jack likes eggs, bananas and apples. So every day, he has two eggs, one apple, a cup of milk and some bread for breakfast. For lunch, he has bananas, some chicken and vegetables. And for dinner, he has tomatoes, French fries and ice cream.

        His sister likes dessert, oranges and apples. But she often has some hamburgers, one apple and bread for her breakfast. She likes tomatoes, salad and some fish for lunch. For dinner, she likes strawberries and some chicken.

    (1)、What does Jack have for breakfast?
    A、Some hamburgers, one apple and bread. B、Bananas, one egg and a cup of milk. C、Two eggs, one apple and a cup of milk. D、One apple, two eggs, some bread and a cup of milk.
    (2)、_______likes dessert, oranges and apples.
    A、Jack B、Jack's mother C、Jack's father D、Jack's sister
    (3)、Jack has_______ for his dinner.
    A、tomatoes B、French fries and ice cream C、bananas and some chicken D、both A and B
    (4)、Jack has some chicken_______, but his sister has some chicken_______.
    A、for breakfast; for dinner B、for lunch; for dinner C、for dinner; for lunch D、for dinner; for dinner
    (5)、Which of the following is right?
    A、Jack likes dessert, but he doesn't like apples. B、Jack likes apples, his sister like them, too. C、Jack has two eggs for breakfast, but his sister has one egg. D、Jack has bananas for lunch, and his sister has apples for lunch.





  • 34. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整。

    quiet,   rain,   on,   however,   so,   walk,   they,   but,   smell,   enjoyable

        I live in a small nice village. I love it because it's , and there are a lot of trees. My friends and I often play football the field near my house. , after it, the field is too wet to play on. We like to  along the river. We can the flowers and listen to the birds. It is very . My village is a comfortable place to live in. When my friends come to visit, I always have much to show .
