新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语七年级上册Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 单元练习

试卷更新日期:2018-08-22 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. —Mike, is this Tom's pencil?

    —Oh, yes, it is ________!

    A、mine B、hers C、yours D、his
  • 2. —Is this ________ eraser?

    —Yes. It's her eraser.

    A、your B、your sister's C、your brother's D、his
  • 3. This is ________ keys.
    A、a set B、set of C、sets D、a set of
  • 4. It's dark now, I must ________ home.
    A、to go B、go C、going D、go to
  • 5. ________ these your ________ ?
    A、Are;book B、Is;book C、Are;books D、Is;books
  • 6. —What are these?

    —________ are rulers.

    A、These B、They C、Those D、It
  • 7. Please call Gina ________ 463-8759.
    A、at B、for C、in D、of
  • 8. Is that bike ________?
    A、she B、hers C、her D、she's
  • 9. —What's your ________?

    —It's 0713-8345253.

    A、name B、ID card C、telephone number D、e-mail address
  • 10. —Is this your book, Jane?

    —________.Thank you!

    A、Yes, this is B、Yes, it is C、No, this isn't D、No, it isn't
  • 11. —Is that her eraser?

    —No, it's ________.

    A、my B、her C、your D、his
  • 12. —Is this your book?

    —No, it isn't ________.It is Mary's.

    A、my B、mine C、me D、I
  • 13. This dictionary isn't ________.It's Eric's.
    A、he B、she C、hers D、her
  • 14. —Is that a pencil?

    — ________ It's a pen.

    A、Yes, it is. B、No, it isn't. C、No, that isn't. D、Yes, that is.
  • 15. Is that watch ________?
    A、my B、your C、you D、yours


  • 16. 完形填空

        Hello, friends! My name is John Smith. Smith is my 1 name. This is 2 pencil box. It's blue. Look!This is my pen. It's red. That is my pen, 3 . It's blue. 4 this?It's a pencil. What 5 is it?It's yellow. Is this 6 ruler?No, it isn't 7 .It's Mary's. 8  this eraser? Is it 9 ?Please 10 me at 659-7586.

    A、first B、last C、the D、a
    A、I B、me C、my D、mine
    A、to B、too C、also D、only
    A、Is B、What C、How D、What's
    A、name B、color C、number D、time
    A、my B、you C、yours D、he
    A、me B、I C、her D、mine
    A、What about B、Which about C、What of D、Which of
    A、yours B、your C、you D、she
    A、e-mail B、ask C、call D、watch
  • 17. 完形填空

    Maria: Excuse me. Are you Steven Green?

    David: 1 ,I'm not. I'm David.

    Maria: Oh, I'm sorry.

    David: Steven,2this your math(数学)book?

    Steven: Oh, yes. It's3.4.What's your5?

    Maria: I6Maria.

    Steven: Nice to meet7, David, this is Maria.8 is in our class.

    David: Hi, Maria!

    Maria: Hi, David! Nice to9you.

    David: Nice to meet you,10.

    A、Yes B、No C、Not D、Hello
    A、is B、are C、his D、/
    A、yours B、I C、mine D、my
    A、OK B、Yes C、No D、Thanks
    A、pencil B、ruler C、name D、book
    A、am B、is C、are D、/
    A、me B、you C、her D、him
    A、Her B、He C、His D、She
    A、help B、say C、meet D、look
    A、to B、too C、two D、/


  • 18. 根据短文内容,故答案选择正确答案。

        Look at these things.This is Mr.Green's watch. It's yellow. That is Jim's English book. It's blue. Jim likes English. He is my cousin. He reads(读)English every day. Oh,what's that over there? It's a white key. It's Miss Green's. Look at the card. What card is it?It is a school ID card. The number is 20133082. Is the card Mary's?No,it isn't.I think it is Bob's. Bob is my brother. He is looking for(正在寻找)his school ID card. What about this dictionary?It's Helen's. And the green pen is hers,too.

    (1)、What color is the English book?
    A、Green. B、Yellow. C、White. D、Blue.
    (2)、What's the number of the card?
    A、20130328. B、20133028. C、20138002. D、20133082.
    (3)、Miss Green's key is ________.
    A、white B、yellow C、blue D、green
    (4)、________ is yellow.
    A、Jim's English book B、Miss Green's key C、Mr. Green's watch D、Helen's dictionary
    (5)、The dictionary is ________.
    A、Jim's B、Helen's C、Bob's D、Mary's
  • 19. 根据短文内容,故答案选择正确答案。


    My school ID card.

    My name is Mike.

    Please call 685-6034.


    A new watch.

    Is this your watch?

    Please call Rebecca at 235-0285.


    A set of keys. Please call Lily at 498-2456.


    My pencil box.

    Blue and white.

    Call Tom at 456-8700.


    Is that your black schoolbag?

    Please call Mary at 476-5993.

    (1)、Is Rebecca's phone number 235-0285?
    A、Yes,it is. B、No,it isn't. C、It's Mary's. D、I don't know.
    (2)、If(如果)you lose your keys,you can call ________.
    A、476-5993 B、498-2456 C、456-8700 D、685-6034
    (3)、________ lost a pencil box.
    A、Mike B、Lily C、Tom D、Mary
    (4)、Mike lost his ________.
    A、blue and white pencil box B、school ID card C、new watch D、black schoolbag
    (5)、Mary found a ________.
    A、watch B、pencil box C、school ID card D、schoolbag


