初中英语牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 8 Pets单元测试

试卷更新日期:2017-02-23 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. You look worried! Is            all right?

    A、everything B、something C、anything D、nothing
  • 2. Look! Some pieces of cup are on the floor. Let's           .

    A、pick it up B、pick them up C、clean it up D、set them up
  • 3. Lisa is a little poor(贫乏的) at Chinese. I think she needs            it every day.

    A、practise to speak B、to practise speaking       C、practise speaking D、to practice to speak
  • 4. There isn't            juice in the fridge. Would you like            coffee?

    A、some; some B、any; any C、some; any D、any; some
  • 5. The music in the supermarket sounded so          that I wanted to leave at once.

    A、soft B、wonderful C、friendly D、noisy
  • 6. -- What will a science museum be like if you are asked to build one? -- I hope it will            like a book.

    A、taste B、sound C、look D、smell
  • 7. When you see your teacher,            hello to him.

    A、and say B、to say C、say D、saying
  • 8. She always finishes her homework on time. She                  leaves it for tomorrow.

    A、always B、sometimes C、usually D、never
  • 9. -- I like reading.

    -- Great! It can           your mind.

    A、read B、lose C、feed D、feel
  • 10. -- Morning, class. Is           here?

    -- No, sir. Tom is absent.

    A、anybody B、everybody C、nobody D、somebody


  • 11. 根据短文理解,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

        Some people say that their dogs become upset when they are left home alone for a long time. We can't always 1 our dogs with us on our trips.

        That's a common problem. I've heard of lots of 2 to ease(缓解) your pets' stress, like leaving the TV or radio on when they are     3 alone. Studies have suggested that TV and radio can actually 4 our pets because of the changes in programming and the musical styles.

        Dog owners sometimes ask, "Does 5 ease pets the same way it can relax people?" The answer is "yes"—but it 6 on the music.

        Classical harp(竖琴) music is used around the world to 7 ease stress in dogs, cats and other animals. There are even sound systems in animal rooms to create a 8 environment.

        Studies show that dogs and cats seem to show 9 stress when listening to classical music. Cats will relax in front of the speakers when classical music is 10, and many dogs will actually bark less—especially when listening to the music of Bach.

    A、bring B、take C、ask D、leave
    A、people B、time C、ways D、places
    A、away B、here C、there D、home
    A、influence B、hurt C、make D、listen
    A、time B、food C、music D、news
    A、takes B、depends C、works D、lives
    A、let B、make C、feel D、help
    A、higher B、lower C、better D、bigger
    A、less B、more C、lighter D、fewer
    A、coming B、going C、playing D、following


  • 12. 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。

        Come and meet the Indian(印度的) elephants and the new tigers from America.  The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you The giraffes from Zambia(赞比亚) are waiting to look down on you.


    Opening time

    Adults: $2.00 

    Children: $1.00  

    Under 12: Free 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (Except(除了) Friday)

    10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. (Friday)

        Keep the zoo clean!

        Do not touch, give food to or go near the animals.

    (1)、How many kinds of animals are there in the passage?

    A、Four. B、Five. C、Six. D、Seven.
    (2)、Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other 10. How much are the tickets altogether(总共)?

    A、$4.00. B、$2.00. C、$3.00. D、$1.00.
    (3)、Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

    A、Take a few nice photos. B、Give some food to the fish. C、Touch the monkey on the head. D、Throw things everywhere.
  • 13. 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。

        TWO English phrases show what people think about mice and rats: "As quiet as a mouse", and "a dirty rat".

        People think rats are dirty because they live in sewers(下水道) and other unclean places. They also carry diseases(疾病). Having a rat in your house is bad news. They smell terrible and make a lot of noise.

        Calling someone a "rat" in English means they are not to be trusted(信任). Saying "Rats!" is also a way to show that you are angry.

        Mice, on the other hand, are seen as quiet and cute. They live in fields and as unwelcome guests in people's houses. They are small and often kept as pets. Walt Disney's famous character Mickey Mouse helped make them lovable to children. Jerry, from the Tom and Jerry cartoons, is smart and naughty. It makes everyone happy.

        Rats and mice are both classed as rodents(啮齿类). But people think about them in different ways!

    (1)、Why do people think rats are dirty? Because they         .

    A、live in unclean places B、carry diseases C、smell terrible and make noise D、A,B&C
    (2)、When people call you a "rat", that means          .

    A、People like you. B、People don't trust you. C、You are very popular. D、All the above are wrong.
    (3)、According to the passage, which is TRUE?

    A、People think mice and rats are the same. B、People don't like the mouse Jerry in the Tom and Jerry cartoons because it's very dirty. C、People often keep rats as pets. D、Mickey Mouse is very lovable and popular to children.
  • 14. 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。

        Prana was a beautiful dog, whose name means “breath of life”. Although he died several years ago, I can still remember the days we spent together and what he has taught me about love.

        I have two apple trees in the garden. Prana loved apples. When he went outside, he'd catch an apple and take it into the house to eat later. The apples had been on the ground and were often dirty so I wasn't always happy that Prana had brought them into the house.

    It was an autumn day in America, but it was very cold. A big snow fell and we had not done anything for its coming. On that special day, Prana went outside and I watched him through the window. I noticed that he was madly digging(挖) holes and bringing the apples to the ground so they could be seen above the snow. I did not know why he was doing this. He seemed to want to do something special.

        When I called him back, he had his usual one apple in his mouth. About five minutes later, I looked outside. The garden was completely covered with birds. Prana had dug up all those apples for his bird friends to eat. He knew that they wouldn't have stored enough food for the coming winter!

    (1)、Prana was             .

    A、the writer B、a boy C、a bird D、a dog
    (2)、I wasn't always happy because           .

    A、Prana loved apples B、Prana caught an apple and ate it C、the apples fell on the ground and were dirty D、Prana brought the dirty apples into the house
    (3)、On the snowy day, Prana             .

    A、ate up all the apples B、dug holes to put the apples in them C、brought the apples under the snow to the ground D、left the house and died
    (4)、The birds flew to the garden to            .

    A、look for Prana B、eat the apples C、make new homes D、store food for the winter
    (5)、The topic of the story is about           .

    A、apples B、animals C、love D、life
  • 15. 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。

        Computers are very important to modern life. Many people think that in the future computers will be used in lots of fields in our life. It is thought that we won't have to go shopping because we can get most things on the Internet. There will be no more books because we can get all texts from computers. The Internet will be used to play games, watch films and buy food. Most telephone calls will be made by computers, too.

        Some people are glad about these new ways of shopping and communicating. Others do not think that computers will replace our old ways.

        Let's look at books, for example. Some people think that one day we will not read books made of paper. Instead, we will buy and read books by using computers. We will read texts on small pocket computers. The computers will keep many different books in them at the same time. We won't need to turn lots of pages and paper will be saved. Computerized books will be used more and more.

        Is the Internet shopping such a pleasure as going to the shop? Many people say it is not. It is a pleasure to go into shops and look at things you want to buy. It is also unlikely that many people will want to read large texts on our computers. Paper books will perhaps be more friendly. Maybe computers won't change these two habits.

    (1)、From the first paragraph, we learn that computers are used for         .

    A、playing games, watching films and making telephone calls B、watching films, making telephone calls and making paper C、watching films, buying food and going for holidays D、playing games, reading books and making paper
    (2)、Which reason for using computerized books is NOT mentioned?

    A、The computers will keep many different books in them. B、We won't need to turn a lot of pages. C、The books will be very cheap. D、We won't need much paper.
    (3)、The underlined word "replace" means "         " in Chinese.

    A、代替 B、打败 C、克服 D、服从
    (4)、What is the main idea of the passage?

    A、Computers are used in our daily life. B、Computers will replace shops and books. C、Computers will do everything. D、Computers can change our lives.


  • 16. 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。

    (1)、My mother  (教) me how to cook fish just now.

    (2)、The silly thief got into a bedroom and  (藏) himself under the bed.

    (3)、Look, the boys are  (打架) for the interesting toys.

    (4)、Don't make any  (噪音) when you are in the library.

    (5)、Do you know how much the elephant  (重)?

  • 17. 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。

    (1)、Mr. Zhao  (同意) to let me go home early.

    (2)、What's your  (麻烦), Tom?

    (3)、My parrot is clever enough to learn to  (重复) the words I say.

    (4)、Don't  (触摸) the machine. It's dangerous.

    (5)、I'm strongly against  (建造) a new zoo in our town.


  • 18. 翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)。


    He developed new ways of  the sick.


    I want to be an English teacher when I .

    (3)、Jim 总是抱怨作业太多。

    Jim  too much homework .

    (4)、我的电脑出问题了, 你能帮我修一修吗?

     my computer. Can you help me repair it?

    (5)、-- Why don't you go hiking in the mountains at weekends?

    -- (我害怕蛇)  (afraid) when I am in the forest.


  • 19. 根据短文内容,完成表格。

        What do you think is the most important invention? The TV? The printing? The telephone? Or the computer? A report shows that they are not the only important invention. Here are three other important inventions.

        One of the simplest inventions is the toilet(厕所). Before toilets, waste ran into rivers from people's houses. Illness were common in big cities, and it was often difficult to find clean drinking water.

        Animal food is another important invention. Before the invention, most animals were killed every autumn because there was not enough food for them in winter. After hay(干草) became a kind of common animal food, animals could live through the long winter.

        The third great invention is glasses. Glasses help people read, write and do "close work" after the age of 45. Without glasses, the world would be difficult for the people above 45.




    Some most important inventions

    There other simple inventions

    Before the inventions

    ● The TV

    ● The     

    ● The telephone

    ● The computer

    ● The toilet

    ● Hay/Animal food


    ● Waste ran into rivers from people's houses.

    ● Illness were common in , and it was often difficult to find clean drinking water.

    ● Most animals were killed every autumn because there was not                   for them in winter.

    ● The world would be difficult for the people above 45 .


  • 20. 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。

        Canadian Geese are large blue and white birds. When autumn comes, they have to fly south where the weather is warmer. The winters are so cold in Canada that the birds will die if they stay there.

        Last spring, Bill Lishman found sixteen young Canadian Geese on his farm. They had lost their parents. Bill thought, "These young birds won't know what to do in the autumn." He had a small plane and he decided to teach the birds to follow him. All through the summer, he went on short trips in his plane and the young geese flew after him.

        When the cold weather arrived in the autumn, Bill flew to Virginia in the United States, 600 miles south of his home in Canada. The geese followed him all the way. Bill left the geese in Virginia and he returned home.

        This spring, Bill was waiting for the birds to come back. They didn't arrive, so Bill flew to Virginia to get them. He looked for them for two weeks, but he couldn't find them. When he arrived back home, he found the geese waiting for him. They had found their way home without him!

    (1)、What will happen to the geese if they stay in Canada in the winter?

    (2)、Where did Bill find sixteen young geese last spring?

    (3)、Is it 600 kilometers from Bill's home to Virginia?

    (4)、How long did it take Bill to look for the geese in Virginia?

    (5)、The geese found their way home by themselves, didn't they?