牛津版(深圳•广州)2017-2018学年初中英语八年级下册Module 2 Unit 3基础训练(一)Reading

试卷更新日期:2018-08-16 类型:同步测试


  • 1. A _______ is a person who makes a living by fishing.
    A、postman B、fisherman C、fireman
  • 2. If someone is _______, we can say he or she is strong and in good health.
    A、fit B、kind C、handsome
  • 3. A _______ is something used for catching fish, birds or insects which is made of threads or wires.
    A、basket B、post C、net


  • 4. —How do you like the concert given by The Foxy Ladies?

    —Exciting, _______ one piece of the music wasn't my favourite.

    A、so B、although C、because
  • 5. —Can you help me get everything _______ for the party, Eric?

    —No problem.

    A、ready B、simple C、unusual
  • 6. —The West Lake _______ millions of visitors to Hangzhou every year.

    —That's because it is a place with both beautiful scenery and rich culture.

    A、finds B、reminds C、attracts


  • 7. —The accident has killed up to 20 people.

    —Sorry to hear that. Shall we do something for their families?

    A、as few as B、as old as C、as many as
  • 8. —My dog is ill. It requires treatment now.

    —You can go to Dr Green for help.

    A、uses B、advises C、needs
  • 9. —Don't forget to take an umbrella with you. It's going to rain.

    —OK. I'll take it.

    A、Plan B、Remember C、Refuse
  • 10. —Smoking is bad for our health.

    —That is for sure. It's said cigarettes kill over a hundred thousand Britons every year.

    A、more than B、about C、many


  • 11. —Wang Damin really enjoys _______ with cormorants.

    —That's right. He takes the cormorants as his friends.

    A、to work B、work C、working D、to working
  • 12. —Maybe _______50 years, human beings can live on the Moon.

    —Yes. We've sent several astronauts to the Moon already.

    A、until B、during C、for D、in
  • 13. —I _______ see people use cormorants to catch fish, but now, I can't see cormorants anywhere.

    —That's because most of the rivers are polluted and the cormorants are in danger now.

    A、was used to B、am used to C、used to D、get used to
  • 14. —When did you _______ the village yesterday?

    —In the evening.

    A、reach B、get C、arrive D、go
  • 15. —What is your new friend like?

    —He is a man of _______ words, but he is polite and very helpful.

    A、few B、little C、a few D、a little


  • 16. The boy (dive) into the water and caught a big fish.
  • 17. After (hang) his coat behind the door, the teacher began to read a book.
  • 18. Our Chinese teacher gave us a (describe) of her favourite novel.
  • 19. Nowadays more and more foreigners are getting (interest) in Chinese culture.



  • 24. 运用你的常识来发现一些错误。

    Use your to find out some mistakes.

  • 25. 河边有很多人在看划船比赛。

    There are many people watching the boat race.

  • 26. 我看到一个戴帽子的陌生男人走进了那个房间。

    I saw a strange man walk into the room.

  • 27. 剪纸是一门中国传统技艺。

    is a traditional Chinese skill.

  • 28. 这件毛衣多少钱?

    is the sweater?


  • 29. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容选择最佳选项。

        Maura and her grandmother were going into the city today to do some shopping. Maura loved spending time with her grandmother. The two of them always had so much to talk about. Maura loved to hear about all the funny things her grandmother did when she was Maura's age.

        At 10 a. m., Grandma pulled into the driveway to pick up Maura. She honked the horn (按喇叭) as she always did on their big shopping days.

        Maura ran out to the car, dressed in the new dress Grandma bought her on their last trip. Maura knew that Grandma loved to see her wearing the clothes she had bought her.

        As expected, Grandma told Maura some more funny things she did when she was Maura's age. Today, she told Maura how she and her best friend, Sue, were so hungry for candy one day in July that they decided to put on a performance and charge admission (收入场费).

        The two girls dressed up like clowns (小丑). Grandma said people laughed so hard that the two girls were able to buy all kinds of candies that day. Maura made a note to herself to try that some day.

        Before they knew it, Maura and Grandma were in the city. Grandma found a parking lot, and away they went to begin their shopping!

    (1)、How did Maura and her grandma usually get to the city for shopping?
    A、By bus. B、By bike. C、By subway. D、By car.
    (2)、On Maura and her grandma's last trip, _______.
    A、they met Sue B、they helped two girls C、Maura's grandma bought her a dress D、Maura told her grandma many stories in her school
    (3)、What can we know about Sue?
    A、She had no friends. B、She was Maura's age. C、She didn't like candy at all. D、She once dressed up like a clown.
    (4)、What did Maura want to try some day?
    A、Buying clothes herself. B、Making all kinds of candies. C、Putting on a fun performance. D、Driving her grandma into the city.
    (5)、Which is the best title for the passage?
    A、An unforgettable shopping experience B、Maura and her grandma's big day C、A wonderful performance D、Grandma's best friend


  • 30. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。

        During the 2016 Rio Olympics, people were surprised to see the round, purple marks on the body of the famous American swimmer Michael Phelps. What happened to 1? In fact, he just visited a 2 of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and had "cupping (拔火罐)". Massage (按摩) and acupuncture (针灸) are two other important kinds of TCM. Chinese massage can make you relaxed and flesh. In acupuncture, doctors put long needles (针) into the patients' heads, faces, arms… It takes away 3, though the look is funny.

        TCM is an important part of Chinese culture and it has a long history. The 4 medical classic in China. Huangdi's Classic on Medicine, came out more than 2,000 years ago. The book is about the relationship between man and 5. In Chinese culture, yin and yang are the two parts of nature. Nature keeps balanced if yin and yang work well together. The human body needs such a 6 too. TCM helps to do mat. Quite specially, for some health problems, a doctor of TCM will not give you 7. Instead, he may give you just a food plan and right ways to eat.

        For example, it is common to eat on the way to school, at our desk, or in front of the TV. But TCM thinks it's 8. Here are the correct ways: Sit down to eat. While eating, turn off the TV and 9 the work desk. Eat seasonal foods. Do not miss any of the three meals. Also, get your body moving often, just as the saying goes, "Running water is never stale (陈腐的)."

        Nowadays, traditional Chinese medicine is becoming more and more 10 around the world. A government report says that people in 183 countries and areas are now using TCM.

    A、them B、it C、him
    A、doctor B、patient C、swimmer
    A、time B、pain C、happiness
    A、shortest B、earliest C、newest
    A、animals B、plants C、nature
    A、message B、promise C、balance
    A、help B、medicine C、advice
    A、wrong B、meaningful C、helpful
    A、get away from B、close to C、turn over
    A、expensive B、safe C、popular