
试卷更新日期:2018-07-31 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. It rained ________ yesterday. I had to stay at home.
    A、heavily B、quietly C、hardly D、quickly
  • 2. I can't hear the teacher _______ with so much noise outside.
    A、clearly B、slowly C、warmly D、bravely
  • 3. —It's reported that Fuxing high-speed train can go as ______ as 350 km an hour.

    —Wow, how amazing!

    A、fastest B、faster C、fast
  • 4. Yuan Longping is ______ regarded as the greatest scientist in rice planting.
    A、suddenly B、patiently C、hardly D、generally
  • 5. —      will you go back to your hometown?

    — In a week.

    A、How long B、How far C、How soon
  • 6. The local guide spoke ______she could to make the visitors understand her.
    A、as clear as B、as clearly as C、so clear as D、so clearly as
  • 7. This kind of pen _____, and is also very cheap. I think you can buy some.
    A、writes well B、writes good C、is written well D、is written good
  • 8. — Is dinner ready?

    —Not ______.

    A、already B、just C、yet D、ever
  • 9. If one of your friends sends you a message to borrow money on the Internet, you'd better phone him         first to make sure of that.
    A、recently B、directly C、finally
  • 10. Mrs. Smith showed the boys how to behave ________ like a gentleman at the dinner table.
    A、happily B、bravely C、politely D、differently
  • 11. —More than 400 street gardens will be built in Shenzhen next year.

    —Good news! Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.

    A、Over B、Around C、Nearly
  • 12. —Tony, have you got any plan for the summer vacation?

    —Not yet. Perhaps I'll go back to my hometown with my family.

    A、Maybe B、Actually C、Generally
  • 13. —Have you heard about Shenzhen International Magic Festival?

           ! It's a big event for magic lovers like me.

    A、Well B、Certainly C、Exactly
  • 14. —       do you usually go to school, Mary?

    —By bike.

    A、When B、How C、Where D、Why


  • 15. Natural resources are very important for us and we should use them (明智地).
  • 16. To sing an English song (正确地), I listen to the CD again and again, and check every word in the dictionary.
  • 17. When we left, the kids said goodbye to us(礼貌).


  • 18. Deep in his heart, Nelson Mandela wanted to help the black people to live (free).