
试卷更新日期:2017-02-14 类型:中考真卷


  • 1. Jenny has a sweet tooth. Let's make some cookies for           .

    A、me B、him C、her D、them
  • 2. ﹣ I can't believe it. Tony has invented a tree﹣planting machine.

    ﹣ Really? He is so           .

    A、shy B、rude C、creative D、friendly
  • 3. Hearing the good news, Betty laughed and ran out of the classroom           .

    A、sadly B、quietly C、angrily D、excitedly
  • 4. When an earthquake happens, I think the most important safety _____ is to keep calm           .

    A、rule B、doubt C、condition D、problem
  • 5. ﹣ Do you know that the Terracotta Army in China is more than 2, 000 years old?

    ﹣ Wow! ____!

    A、How large it is B、How modern it is C、What a long history it has D、What a beautiful place it is
  • 6. ﹣ Welcome to Los Angeles. Have you ever been here?

    ﹣ Sure. I visited this city three years ago so this is my ____ time here.

    A、first B、second C、third D、fourth
  • 7. Although he suffered a lot from his foot problem, ____ could stop him from finishing the race           .

    A、nothing B、something C、anything D、everything
  • 8. I still remember my happy childhood when my mother ____ me to Disneyland at weekends.

    A、takes B、took C、will take D、has taken
  • 9. Vienna is famous for having many great musicians. ____, Johann Strauss the younger wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music there.

    A、In fact B、For example C、As a result D、In my opinion
  • 10. ﹣Mum, I don't have anybody to play with. Can I have a pet?

    ﹣____ Our apartment is too small.

    A、Why not? B、I hope so. C、Anything else? D、I'm afraid not.


  • 11.

    阅读下面短文, 掌握大意, 然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项.

        Andy woke up and looked at the clock 11: 30? He jumped out of bed and threw on clothes. He had wanted to get up early and surprise his dad with Father's Day breakfast in bed﹣with his mom's help of course. He took up the wrapped present on his desk and went to find his 1.

        "Where is Dad?" Andy checked all the rooms, but the whole house was empty. He walked out to the 2, and his jaw dropped. Dad was holding a hammer and looking at a new tree fort that stood in 3 big back yard.

        Andy climbed the rope ladder up to the fort. It had two rooms with three small windows.

        Dad followed Andy into the fort, looking excited. "I spent all morning 4 it. I had one when I was your age. Grandpa surprised me with it on Father's Day, too. "

        "So, it's like a(n) 5?" Andy asked.

        "Yes, this is a present for 6 of us. Maybe you'll build one for your son one day. "

        Dad looked around and asked Andy 7 they would do first in the tree fort. Andy slowly showed the 8 and said, "Happy Father's Day!" He didn't think it was possible, 9 Dad's smile widened as he opened the gift. "A chess set! How did you know I wanted 10?" Andy always saw his dad playing against the computer and he guessed it 11 be his father's favorite.

        "Let's play it!" Dad set up the chessboard. "It's the 12 gift I got of all this Father's Day. "

    "I'm glad you like it." Andy said.

        "I do, but I was talking about spending more time with you. I 13 loved the father﹣son time. I spent a lot with your grandfather when I was 14. "

        Andy looked at his dad. "Can we call Grandpa and 15 him to come to the fort?"

    Dad squeezed Andy's shoulder. "I think he'd love that."

        That day, the three men played, talked and laughed. It was really a happy Father's Day.

    A、sister B、brother C、father D、mother
    A、yard B、park C、kitchen D、bathroom
    A、my B、our C、your D、their
    A、buying B、building C、cleaning D、repairing
    A、plan B、habit C、tradition D、activity
    A、either B、both C、neither D、none
    A、how B、why C、when D、what
    A、clothes B、present C、computer D、breakfast
    A、or B、so C、and D、but
    A、it B、one C、that D、this
    A、must B、might C、could D、should
    A、best B、craziest C、biggest D、funniest
    A、never B、hardly C、often D、always
    A、growing up B、coming back C、going away D、moving in
    A、order B、follow C、invite D、require


  • 12.

    阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Wikipedia is an online free encyclopedia. There are more than 38 million articles about society, history, culture, music, science, technology, geography and so on. On this website, people can find articles about almost everything in the world. Wikipedia has also developed 292 language versions for people to read in their own languages.

        Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger started this encyclopedia project on 9th March, 2000. It was called Nupedia at first. And all the articles were written and checked by experts. Wales thought that the website should be a place where its users could not only find information but also share what they knew. So they tried to use a wiki system(wiki is a Hawaiian word "wee kee wee kee" which firstly meant "quick"). On 10th January, 2001, they began a new project to improve Nupedia. On 15th January, 2001, the new online encyclopedia named Wikipedia was set up. Wikipedia achieved a great success.

    According to the Alexa Traffic Rank report on 22nd May, 2016, Wikipedia is the seventh most popular website in the world. Every single user helps to make this popular free encyclopedia.

    (1)、Wikipedia is          .

    A、a book B、a library C、a report D、a website
    (2)、Wikipedia was set up on          .

    A、9th March, 2000 B、10th January, 2001 C、15th January, 2001 D、22nd May, 2016
    (3)、What can people use Wikipedia to do? 

    A、To read novels. B、To search for information C、To listen to music. D、To read Alexa Traffic Rank.
  • 13.

    阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        The film Alice Through the Looking Glass is on. Millions of people go to cinemas to see it. The little girl Alice, with long hair of gold, is alive in people's mind again after the film Alice in  Wonderland was shown in 2010.

        These two popular films were adapted from the novels Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Through the Looking﹣Glass Both of them were written by Lewis Carroll, a famous English writer, who himself was as interesting as his books.

        Lewis Carroll was a math teacher and talented writer. In 1856, he met Henry Liddell and his three lovely daughters. His friendship with the family became an important part of his life over the following years. He liked the girls very much, especially the youngest one, Alice Liddell. He often told stories to make them happy. One day he took the girls to a boat trip. To make the time more enjoyable, he began a story about the adventure of a little girl named Alice in Wonderland. Many other strange characters such as the Mouse, the March Hare, the Cheshire Cat and the Queen of Hearts were brought to this wonderful world too.

        Alice Liddell loved the story and she begged Carroll to write it down for her. After Carroll finished the manuscript of the story Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, he gave it to the girl as a Christmas present. When the book was published shod in 1865. It was an immediate success, and soon was famous around the world.

    (1)、The films Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass were from           .

    A、Henry Liddell's adventure B、Lewis Carroll's life stories C、three girls 'trip experience D、two novels by Lewis Carroll
    (2)、Lewis Carroll was three lovely daughters'           .

    A、friend B、teacher C、relative D、coach
    (3)、Lewis Carroll wrote down the story he told on the boat trip because           .  

    A、he thought it was a very interesting story B、he could improve the story and publish it C、Alice enjoyed the story and asked him to do so D、Alice thought others also wanted to read the story.
    (4)、According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

    A、Carroll finished the book and gave it to the three girls B、The two novels became famous after the films were shown C、Carroll created Alice and many strange characters in his stories D、The friendship between Carroll and the Liddells lasted until 1856.
  • 14.

    阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        One evening as I was leaving the store, I noticed a man with a very old sleeping bag going through the garbage can nearby. He pulled out fast food trash bags and inspected all that was in the thrown away bags, but he never stopped anyone to beg for money or anything else as they entered or left my store. After he went through the entire trash can, he carefully cleaned up the area and wrapped up the food he found in the dirty hamburger wrapper. My heart literally hurt for him.

        I decided to help him. I got out of my car and asked him if I could buy him something to eat. He thanked and, followed me to the fast food place around the block. I bought him the biggest meal they had on the menu. He didn't ask for anything and the only request was a big glass of hot sweet tea to go with his meal. When I brought him the food, he was so thankful. He told me how much he appreciated the meal.

        I wanted to give him some money. He shook his head. I asked him if I could buy a few meals and put it on a gift card for him. He agreed.

        As I handed him the gift card, he broke down crying. He told me that he prayed for me today. I wasn't sure what he meant (I was guessing he was praying for me for what I did for him )so I thanked him.

        "NO, I prayed that God would send someone to buy me a hot meal today……and be sent you!" Tears traced down his checks.

        I didn't know what to say……I always pray over my food, but I've never prayed for a meal. I've never doubted that I wouldn't be able to eat……Tears began to fill my eyes. Oh my……how blessed am I…Maybe God used me to answer this man's prayer.

    Everybody has a story though I didn't know his, but I had done what God wanted me to. God put him in my path……I knew he did. I took him to my office.

    (1)、The man that writer saw outside his store was possibly a        .

    A、beggar B、homeless man  C、street cleaner D、hamburger lover
    (2)、Why did the man break down crying when he got the gift card?

    A、He had finally talked to God. B、He could have a new sleeping bag C、He finally got what be needed. D、He wanted to have some hot meals
    (3)、According to the passage, what kind of person was the man?

    A、A polite, careful person with few words. B、A lonely, serious person with a trash bag C、A nice, lonely person with a sleeping bug D、A friendly, careful person with little money
    (4)、What did the writer most probably do in his office?

    A、He gave the man some money B、He gave the man another big hot meal C、He asked the man to pray for him  D、He invited the man to work in his store.
  • 15. 阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Harmful microbes like bacterias, viruses and other germs are pathogens. They may enter your bodies and make you ill. The immune system is the body's defence system that protects you from illness and disease caused by the pathogens.

        The immune system is made up of non﹣specialized defences such as skin, tears and the acidic juice produced by the stomach, keeping you from the pathogens. It also has some highly specialized defences, which are different kinds of immune cells, grouped into phagocytes and lymphocytes. Phagocytes are a type of white blood cell. They are swimming around in your blood stream, always on the lookout for antigens﹣the pathogens that have entered your bodies. Whenever they see one, their will eat it. However, some antigens are hard to find and kill. Then lymphocytes, which are also white blood cells and the main types are B cells, T helper cells and T killer cells, Will be the killers of the sneaky antigens.

        B cells, T helper and T killer cells work together to find and kill these antigens. B cells produce substances, called antibodies, which stick to the antigen. When that happens, it will tell the T helper cells to come over and either: 1. help the B cells kill the antigen, or 2. call the phagocytes or T killer cells to move in for the kill. Once a B cell or a T cell attacks an antigen, they create cells to "remember" it. Those "memory cells" hang out in your blood if they see the same antigen again, they quickly recognize, it so your immune system can act faster at killing it.

        The immune system is more powerful than you probably imagine. Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania recently took immune cells from three patients with leukemia, then genetically changed them into "serial Keller "cells to attack cancer cells. The study was small but the results were groundbreaking. The modified immune cells increased at least 1, 000 times in the body and killed all the cancer cells. Therefore, more "memory cells" were created.

        The immune system can be developed. Eating lean protein food (beef, beans )and food rich in vitamins A, C, and E(sweet potatoes, carrots ), taking a 30﹣minute walk every day and reducing your stress levels, etc. will help you achieve it.

    (1)、What can the immune system do?

    A、Keep you from antibodies. B、Protect you against antigens. C、Make your bodies weak and sick. D、Help microbes enter your bodies
    (2)、How are the sneaky antigens found and killed?

    A、Phagocytes, B, T helper and T killer cells work together B、Skin, tears, acidic juice and immune cells work together C、B cells create "memory cells" to swim around in the blood D、B cells produce antibodies to tell T helper and T killer cells
    (3)、What does the underlined word "it" in the last paragraph refer to?

    A、The immune system can be made more powerful B、Less antigens can be killed by the immune system C、White blood cells act less quickly in the immune system D、The immune system can be changed into the "serial killer"
    (4)、This article is mainly about            .

    A、the types of white blood cells B、a research report about human health C、the cause of illness and disease D、an introduction to the immune system.


  • 16. 用方框中所给的单词的适当形式填空。每空限填一词.

    You        sudden        discuss         whether         thousand

    (1)、Kate, be careful with the knife or you may hurt .

    (2)、The manager asked  he could find the cause of the accident

    (3)、It is reported that there are over thirty- five  works of art in Louvre Museum.

    (4)、When the children were climbing the mountains, a snake  appeared and scared them.

    (5)、Jack is interested in environmental protection and he often  the pollution problems with his friends.

  • 17. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示, 用单词的正确形式完成以下短文

        Beijing is entering the best travel season﹣"golden autumn". The wind is blowing and the sun (照耀). The colorful city sights make autumn the most popular season to visit Beijing.

        "Beijing is an amazing city!I really want to show the special beauty of this country to my friends in (加拿大). "said a tourist who was (忙的)taking photos of the Summer Palace.

        In Beihai Park, two young (女士) were recording some ancient (石头)bridges with their DV.

        "Before the trip, what I knew about China was all from (报纸)and television. Actually, it's much (容易的)to travel in China than I thought. (在…期间)this trip, I've learnt that China is developing very fast. "the girl with a (帽子)named Lily said.

        She also said that her travel plan (包括)the Great Wall as well. "People here are friendly. They like communicating with foreigners and this makes my trip more pleasant." said the traveler.


  • 18.

    Daming想在国外eBay网上购买CD, 但他从网上搜到"淘淘"经验有点杂乱, 请帮助Daming将这些杂乱的信息整理成一副购物流程图, 完成购物, 第一步已给出.

    A. Compare the CDs in the list. You can look at the prices or other customers'opinions. This can help you decide which one you want to buy.

    B. Go to www. eBay. com and create an eBay account. You need to fill in an online form with your information. To pay for your order, you also need to get one on PayPat.

    C. After you have an account, you can look for the CD you want. Type the name of the CD in the search box. You will see a list of CDs.

    D. When you decide which one to buy, you can click "Buy It Now" and then finish your order with the correct address(better both in English and Chinese), your telephone number and suitable ways of post. Finally, pay for it and you will receive it in about 20 to 30 days.

    E. However, if you are not satisfied with it, it is possible to return the CD in 5 working days. I hope this step is never needed.

    F. Once you receive the CD, check it carefully. If you are satisfied with it, you can go back to eBay website and give your opinions on it.

    Step 2:  Step 3:  Step 4:  Step 5:  Step 6:  


  • 19. 假如你是LinLing, 学校根据表中新西兰来温暑期交流师生的意愿, 决定安排他们去100公里外的许村游玩一天. 但自行车来回路程需要8﹣﹣9小时, 权衡利弊, 需调整这项内容, 请你发邮件给对方带队老师Mr. Black做好说明、沟通工作.  

    A One﹣day Tour



    □Learn about Chinese education

    □See beautiful sights

    √□Learn about Chinese culture

    Your idea


    □Yes→What is it?



    □A school

    √□A village

    □A museum



    □On foot

    √□By bike

    □By bus

    Other needs


    √□Yes→What is it? Tasto some local food

    要求:(1)文中不能出现真实的姓名、校名等相关信息;(2)文本长度:110词左右. 开头和结尾已给出(不记人总词数)

    Dear Mr Black,

        I'm Lingting. My school asked us to make the one-day tour plan for you and we tried to make it best to your preferences, but I'm afraid we'll have to make some changes.


        Looking forward to your reply.

                                                                                                                                                                                Best wishes,



    adapt v. 改编

    beg v. 恳求

    cancer n. 癌症

    cell n. <生>细胞

    defence n. 防御

    fort n. 堡垒

    inspect v. 检查

    jaw n. 下巴

    pray v. 祈祷

    publish v. 出版

    recognise v. 识别

    version n. 版本