
试卷更新日期:2018-07-12 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. Happy birthday, Peter! Here's a gift       you.
    A、for B、in C、with D、from
  • 2. —May I be allowed to choose a summer course?

    —It's up to you. You're ____ to make your own decision.

    A、too old B、enough old C、old enough
  • 3. The local guide spoke ______she could to make the visitors understand her.
    A、as clear as B、as clearly as C、so clear as D、so clearly as
  • 4. My grandfather does Chinese Kung Fu every day _________ he is over eighty.
    A、since B、though C、until
  • 5. David is a tennis player. He       to play tennis when he was six years old.
    A、begins B、will begin C、began D、has begun
  • 6. —Do you know the student _______got an A in the English exam?

    —Of course. She is my deskmate, Li Hong

    A、who B、whom C、whose
  • 7. —How is our government going to deal with the office building?

    — It will be _____ a library.

    A、turned off B、turned on C、turned out D、turned into
  • 8. —Look at the girl in the square!

    —Oh. I'm surprised that a ________ girl can dance so well!

    A、three-years-old B、three-year-old C、three years old
  • 9. —       do you usually go to school, Mary?

    —By bike.

    A、When B、How C、Where D、Why
  • 10. —Sally, it's already 10: 00 pm. It's time for you to go to bed.

    —OK. Dad. I'll turn ________ the TV right now.

    A、on B、down C、off
  • 11. This kind of pen _____, and is also very cheap. I think you can buy some.
    A、writes well B、writes good C、is written well D、is written good
  • 12. —My daughter seldom has breakfast.

    —It's ________unhealthy habit. Breakfast is very important to health.

    A、a B、an C、the
  • 13. My brother and I like football.       play it together once a week.
    A、I B、They C、We D、You
  • 14. —Have you ever been to South Tower Park?

    —Yes. I ___________there a few months ago.

    A、went B、have been C、have gone
  • 15. —Excuse me, I want some books, but I can't find a bookshop here.

    —I know _________ on my way home. Come with me, please.

    A、this B、one C、It D、that
  • 16. Many people like pandas       they are cute.
    A、though B、if C、while D、because
  • 17. —May I have a look at the magazine China Today?

    —Certainly. ___________.

    A、Thank you B、It's a pity C、Here you are D、I'd like to
  • 18. —______ fine weather it is! Shall we go hiking in the hills?

    —Why not?

    A、What B、What a C、How D、How a
  • 19. There will be ______ talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon.
    A、the B、an C、a D、/
  • 20. —Alice, could you tell me       London?

    —Sure. Last Sunday.

    A、when Mr. Smith left B、when Mr. Smith will leave C、when did Mr. Smith leave D、when will Mr. Smith leave
  • 21. The manager of the hotel was waiting at the gate _______ the guests arrived.
    A、while B、when C、unless D、after
  • 22. —_____do you visit your grandparents, Timmy?

    —Once a week.

    A、How many B、How long C、How much D、How often
  • 23. —You can only keep the books for two weeks, Tom. Remember ____them on time.

    —I will.

    A、return B、returning C、to return
  • 24. Tony is       of the three boys, but he is the tallest.
    A、young B、younger C、youngest D、the youngest
  • 25. —Do you know when and where the 24 Winter Olympic Games___________?

    —In Beijing and Zhangjiakou, in 2022.

    A、is held B、will be held C、will hold
  • 26. —I saw John in the park this morning..

    —It _____be him. He has gone to HongKong.

    A、can't B、can C、mustn't D、must
  • 27. —I saw Tom's father bought lots of books yesterday.

    —That's not strange. Not only Tom but also his father _______reading.

    A、enjoy B、enjoys C、enjoyed
  • 28. Bill likes reading. He       picture books with his dad every evening.
    A、read B、reads C、is reading D、has read
  • 29. Liu Changjian, the command pilot of Sichuan Airlines Flight 3U8633, successfully       down the plane last month.
    A、has brought B、will bring C、brought D、bring
  • 30. —Lucy, is your uncle a teacher?

    —Yes, he is. He        history for nearly 20 years.

    A、teaches B、has taught C、is teaching D、will teach
  • 31. —It's reported that self-driving cars are expected to change the way we move around.

    —That sounds__________.

    A、bad B、badly C、great D、greatly
  • 32. A new international airport       in the city next year.
    A、completes B、is completed C、will complete D、will be completed
  • 33. —Could you tell me_______?

    —In five minutes, at 10: 25.

    A、when did the next underground arrive B、when the next underground arrived C、when will the next underground arrive D、when the next underground will arrive
  • 34. I       go now, or I'll miss my train.
    A、can B、might C、must D、could
  • 35. The Dragon Boat Festival falls_________ May or June every year.
    A、in B、on C、at D、between
  • 36. —Paul, what were you doing at nine Last night?

    —I        a movie in the cinema with my friends.

    A、was watching B、watch C、have watched D、will watch
  • 37. Wu Wei, a young artist, has received high_________ from the art community for this sculptures
    A、pride B、praise C、promise D、progress