
试卷更新日期:2018-07-11 类型:小升初模拟




  • 16. 听问句,选择答句。                
    A、Winter. B、Friday.
  • 17. 听问句,选择答句。              
    A、There are two. B、I have two.
  • 18. 听问句,选择答句。              
    A、It was great. B、It was cold.
  • 19. 听问句,选择答句。              
    A、I went to bed at 9:30. B、She went to bed at 9:30.
  • 20. 听问句,选择答句。             
    A、No,thank you. B、You're welcome.


  • 21. Which season does Jim like best?    
    A、Autumn. B、Summer.
  • 22. What is Mike doing?    
    A、He is doing his homework. B、He is reading English.
  • 23. Where are Mum's glasses?    
    A、They are on Mum's nose. B、They are on the desk.
  • 24. What pet does Lingling have?    
    A、A dog. B、A bird.
  • 25. What are Lily and Simon going to do?    
    A、They are going to have a picnic. B、They are going to see a film.


  • 26. 选出不同类的一项。             
    A、three B、two C、third
  • 27. 选出不同类的一项。            
    A、Monday B、sunny C、Sunday
  • 28. 选出不同类的一项。         
    A、bed B、cleaned C、visited
  • 29. 选出不同类的一项。          
    A、banana B、apple C、orange juice
  • 30. 选出不同类的一项。             
    A、evening B、afternoon C、day
  • 31. 选出不同类的一项。           
    A、sleeping B、ring C、dancing
  • 32. 选出不同类的一项。               
    A、bigger B、older C、summer
  • 33. 选出不同类的一项。                 
    A、when B、where C、white


  • 34. 选出画线部分发音不同的一项。
    A、big B、ill C、bike
  • 35. 选出画线部分发音不同的一项。
    A、come B、brother C、go
  • 36. 选出画线部分发音不同的一项。
    A、head B、tea C、bread
  • 37. 选出画线部分发音不同的一项。
    A、too B、book C、cook
  • 38. 选出画线部分发音不同的一项。
    A、boys B、flowers C、maps
  • 39. 选出画线部分发音不同的一项。
    A、now B、snow C、window


  • 40. —    is that picture?

    —It's mine.

    A、Who's B、Who is C、Whose
  • 41. My mother is cutting    onion. It is     very big one.    
    A、a;an B、an;a C、a;a
  • 42. Hurry up! It's time    go to school.    
    A、to B、for C、of
  • 43. I    early this morning.    
    A、get up B、gets up C、got up
  • 44. It often    in summer here.    
    A、rain B、rains C、rainy
  • 45. —How    are these cucumbers?

    —5 yuan.

    A、many B、much C、long
  • 46. What did you    yesterday?    
    A、do B、did C、does
  • 47.        can I go to the zoo?

    —By bus.

    A、What B、How C、Which
  • 48. —The oranges are not sweet.

    —I don't like    .

    A、it B、their C、them
  • 49. Look! My sister    flowers in the garden.    
    A、watering B、waters C、is watering
  • 50. The traffic light is    . We can go now.    
    A、green B、yellow C、red
  • 51. The woman is seventy,but she looks so       .    
    A、tall B、young C、old


  • 52. 情境匹配

    ⑴When did you come home yesterday?          A. That's a good idea.

    ⑵Let's play a game.                                          B. I can see seven.

    ⑶How many postcards can you see?               C. He is a policeman.

    ⑷Hi,this is my friend,Sarah.                         D. Here you are.

    ⑸What does your father do?                            E. About eleven in the evening.

    ⑹I'd like a cup of coffee.                                   F. Nice to meet you,Sarah.


  • 53. 根据短文内容,选择合适的一项。

        At 10:30 we have Art Class. We usually draw pictures with a pencil. Then we paint them. Some children use crayons.

        Today Kelly is drawing a big boat in the sea. The weather is bad and there are huge waves.

        Tom is drawing a forest. There is a tree house. Two children are playing inside. There is a bird on the tree and three rabbits under the tree.

        Lucy is drawing an airport. There is a plane there and the people are looking through the windows. And a girl is waving goodbye to her parents.

        I like drawing. I like having Art Class.

    (1)、At      we have Art Class.    
    A、ten o'clock B、nine thirty C、ten thirty
    (2)、First we draw with     .    
    A、crayons B、pencils C、paints
    (3)、The weather is    in Kelly's picture.    
    A、hot B、cold C、bad
    (4)、Two children are playing in the    .    
    A、boat B、tree house C、plane
    (5)、    are looking through the plane's windows.    
    A、Birds B、People C、Parents
    (6)、What does "huge wave" mean?    
    A、巨浪 B、大雨 C、大风


  • 54. 选择方框中合适的单词补全对话。

    Who     picture    sing    well    Can    likes

    A:There is a of my friends. Come and look,Tom!

    B:OK! I am coming.

    A:Look at this boy. He is Jack. He is playing football.

    B:he play football ?

    A:Yes,he can. He is a good footballer.

    B:is this?

    A:She is Lisa.

    B:She is singing. Can she well?

    A:No. She singing. But she sings badly.


  • 55. 依照例句和图片从方框中选择合适的单词或词组完成句子,注意大小写形式。

    climb the tree    catch a mouse    dog    cat    monkey    eat a lot

    例:He lives in Shanghai. He has a dog. It can catch a mouse.

    (1)、She lives in Beijing. She has a. It can.
    (2)、. . .