
试卷更新日期:2018-06-27 类型:期中考试


  • 1. —How are you doing?


    A、I'm reading. B、They're boring. C、Very well, thank you. D、And you?
  • 2. —Please say thanks to your mom for us.


    A、Really? B、OK, I will. C、What a pity! D、Of course.
  • 3. —Would you like to come to my birthday party this Sunday evening?


    A、Sure, I'd love to. B、I'm busy. C、Thank you. D、I feel happy.
  • 4. —Why don't you listen to some soft music when you feel sad?


    A、Much better. B、Good idea. C、It'll be OK. D、I don't like it.
  • 5. —What do you think of the movie?


    A、It's very exciting B、I want to see it C、I feel sad D、Let's go to see it
  • 6. —I always have good feelings on sunny days.


    A、That's good. B、You are right. C、Me,too. D、Sounds great!
  • 7. —My father is ill in bed.


    A、What a pity! B、I'm sorry to hear that. C、Really? D、Don't worry.
  • 8. —I'll help you with it.


    A、No, you don't B、Yes, I will C、I'm worried D、Thank you so much
  • 9. —Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party.


    A、That's OK. B、Sounds wonderful. C、Yes,please. D、It's a pleasure.
  • 10. —When are they going?


    A、This Saturday. B、With their friends. C、By plane. D、It's Saturday.


  • 11. What ______ useful book it is! It tells us how to do well in ______English exam.
    A、a; an B、a; a C、an; the D、an; a
  • 12. Lily feels disappointed because she can't get a ticket ______ the movie.
    A、to B、of C、at D、about
  • 13. —I hear that Linda didn't go to the concert last night.

    —That's true. I was too busy, so I didn't go, ______.

    A、too B、either C、instead D、neither
  • 14. Don't worry. I can ______ the problem myself.
    A、deal with B、put up C、look at D、knock on
  • 15. —Does John sing best in your class?

    —No. Peter sings as______ as him.

    A、good B、better C、best D、well
  • 16. —Look at the clouds! It ______ to rain.

    —That's right. You'd better take all umbrella with you.

    A、has B、goes C、seems D、watches
  • 17. Dave received a nice present from his friend, but he didn't ______ it.
    A、answer B、send C、accept D、follow
  • 18. —Do you know the story?

    —Yes. It's about two farmers ______ on a farm.

    A、work B、to work C、working D、worked
  • 19. Jack was ______ in this novel, because he thought it was ______.
    A、interesting; interested B、interesting; interesting C、interested; interested D、interested; interesting
  • 20. The mountains in my hometown look very nice, ______ in autumn.
    A、quietly B、loudly C、slowly D、especially
  • 21. Excuse me, would you mind not making so much ______? The children are sleeping.
    A、noise B、sound C、music D、voice
  • 22. Lin Tao didn't win the game. But ______ he did his best.
    A、anybody B、anywhere C、anything D、anyway
  • 23. —Shall we ______ to the bookstore?

    —Well, it's a little far from here. What about ______ shared bikes?

    A、to walk; to ride B、to walk; riding C、walk; to ride D、walk; riding
  • 24. —What do you think of my plan?

    —Sounds good, but I need to ______ before carrying it out.

    A、think over it B、think up it C、think it over D、think it up
  • 25. —I'm very afraid of losing the game again.

    —______ I believe you can do a good job this time.

    A、That's right B、I'm sorry too! C、Take it easy. D、You are right.


  • 26. Linda is sad, and her eyes fills with tears.
    A、are filling in B、are full of C、is full with D、fulls with
  • 27. My mother is ill. I have to care for her at home.
    A、worry about B、look like C、look for D、look after
  • 28. Why don't you buy your mother a scarf as a gift?
    A、What about B、Why not C、How can you D、Why not you
  • 29. Mike is good at English.
    A、is good in B、does well in C、is good for D、is good with
  • 30. The 3D movie was fantastic and all of us felt exciting.
    A、lovely B、soft C、wonderful D、silent


  • 31. 从A、B、C、D中选出—个最佳答案,使短文意思完整

        It was in autumn. A woman was ill. She 1 in the hospital. Her husband died ten years ago. She had no sons 2 daughters. Nobody 3 her. She felt very 4 .There was a tree outside her room. She saw the leaves fall down. Day after day, there were fewer and fewer leaves 5 the tree. The woman was very sad. She didn't want to eat or drink. She became worse day by day. She got a strong feeling of death. One day, she said, "When the last leaf falls down, I 6 die."

        An old artist knew that. He decided 7 this woman. One night, all yellow leaves fell down. The artist painted a green and yellow leaf and then put it in the tree. The next morning, 8 the woman looked out of the window and saw the last leaf, she was filled with 9. She wanted to be alive. She didn't want to fall down like 10 leaves. From then on,she became better and better and lived well.

        Don't give up your hope at any time.

    A、worked B、played C、stayed D、studied
    A、but B、so C、or D、and
    A、got ready B、cared for C、cheered up D、hurried up
    A、lonely B、lively C、excited D、happy
    A、on B、at C、for D、with
    A、need B、will C、won't D、can't
    A、help B、helped C、helping D、to help
    A、when B、how C、why D、where
    A、anger B、worry C、interest D、hope
    A、other B、another C、others D、others'


  • 32. 阅读下文,根据内容选择最佳答案

        Jeff Black has only one leg. When he was 12 years old, he got cancer. The doctor had to cut off most of his right leg to save his life.

        Every day Jeff walks with all artificial(人造的) leg. With the help of the leg, he can ski, ride a bike and play tennis. He can even run.

        When he was 22 years old, Jeff ran across the United States. He ran 5,150 kilometers. That was about 9.6 kilometers each day. Jeff wore out 36 pairs of running shoes and five artificial legs.

        On his way, people in every city gave Jeff some money. The money was not for Jeff himself. It was for a project, which helps people with cancer. Jeff talked to people about cancer and his disability.

        Though Jeff is disabled, he can do lots of things like a healthy man. He has finished college and now he is studying to be a lawyer. He says, "I want people to know that I ran not only for the disabled but also for everybody. I hope my spirit can cheer others up."

    (1)、What was the matter with Jeff?
    A、His left leg was cut off. B、His right arm was hurt. C、He lost his legs because of a traffic accident. D、He lost his right leg because of cancer.
    (2)、Which of the following can't Jeff do?
    A、Swim. B、Ski. C、Play tennis. D、Run.
    (3)、How old was Jeff when he ran across the US?
    A、36. B、26. C、22. D、12.
    (4)、What was the money received by Jeff used for?
    A、Travelling around the US. . B、Paying for artificial legs. C、Helping poor people. D、Helping people with cancer.
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、When Jeff was 12, he got cancer. B、Jeff couldn't ride a bike. C、Jeff didn't go to college. D、Jeff never talked to people about cancer.
  • 33. 阅读下文,回答问题

        Can plants learn and remember? Monica from Australia thinks so.

        Monica and her team members did some tests on mimosas(含羞草). The plants close their leaves quickly when people touch them. They put some mimosas in 56 pots. Every time they dropped the pots from 30cm high, the plants closed their leaves. Monica and her team members did this for a whole day. To their surprise,at the end of the day, the plants didn't close their leaves at all. It seemed that the plants learned that this action wouldn't hurt them.

        Another amazing thing was that the plants might remember things for a long time. Monica dropped the same pots of mimosas four weeks later. The plants still didn't close their leaves.

        Monica wasn't sure how plants learned and remembered. "The plants don't have brains, after all. Maybe they learn and remember with the help of their cells(细胞)," she said.

    (1)、When mimosas are touched, ___________.
    A、they make some sounds B、they open their leaves C、they close their leaves D、their leaves drop
    (2)、How long did it take Monica to do the test at first?
    A、Two days. B、One day. C、Half a day. D、Three hours.
    (3)、What did Monica find four weeks later?
    A、The plants didn't close their leaves. B、The leaves of the plants dropped. C、The plants grew more leaves. D、The plants closed their leaves.
    (4)、The underlined word "brain" means "_______"in Chinese.
    A、血液 B、心脏 C、大脑 D、智慧
    (5)、What can we learn from the text?
    A、Mimosas aren't easy to keep. B、Monica likes mimosas a lot. C、Plants have brains. D、Some plants can remember things.
  • 34. 阅读下文,选择正确的答案

        I am Tom. My mom told me my first and second words were "Mommy" and "Daddy". The next one was "No". I didn't want to eat vegetables. I didn't want to go to bed early. I didn't want to study in the school. Being the "baby" of the family (I have two sisters),I said a lot of "No".

        When I became a middle school student, my father had a talk with me. He asked me to say "Yes" more than "No". "You can have a different life when you do that," he said.

        Then I began to say "Yes" more. When mom asked me to give her a cup of tea, I said "Yes". I saw a big smile on her face. When Dad asked me to buy some food for him,I said "Yes". When he said "thanks" to me, I felt excited and happy. When I met problems in study, I said "Yes, I can do it!" I began to study hard and got good grades.

        Saying "Yes" can bring good luck to me and make me happy. Let's say "Yes" to life. Say "Yes" when others ask for help. Say "Yes" to make this world be a good place.

    (1)、The third word that Tom could say was "_______".
    A、Yes B、No C、Mommy D、Daddy
    (2)、Why did Tom's father ask him to say "Yes"?
    A、Because he thought it could give him a different life. B、Because he thought it could help him study hard. C、Because he wanted him to eat more vegetables and fruit. D、Because he wanted him to help the family do some work.
    (3)、What did Tom get when he said "Yes"?

    ①Good grades.   ②Healthy life.   ③Mother's smile.   ④Father's thanks.

    A、①②③ B、②③④ C、①③④ D、①②④
    (4)、What can we learn from the passage?
    A、Tom became nicer after talking with his father. B、Tom's parents didn't like him at all. C、Tom was the only child in his family. D、Tom began to say "Yes" when he was a baby.
    (5)、What's the idea of this passage?
    A、Ask people to listen to parents. B、Show people how bad to say "No". C、Show people how to be lucky. D、Ask people to say "Yes" more.


  • 35. 根据中文提示或首字母。填写单词的正确形式.
    (1)、Mr. Li often tells us j to make us laugh.
    (2)、The book is very h to me, so I like it very much.
    (3)、Though the man is (富有的), he is not happy.
    (4)、You shouldn't speak in a l voice in the library.
    (5)、The bread (闻起来)terrible. Please throw it away.


  • 36. What's the matter with you?(改为同义句)

    with you?

  • 37. Alice hopes that she can swim in the sea this summer holiday. (写出同义句)

    Alice hopes in the sea this summer holiday.

  • 38. I think music can affect our feelings. (改为否定句)

    I music can affect our feeling.

  • 39. Jack feels worried because he forgot to do his homework. (对划线部分提问)

    Jack feel worried?

  • 40. The sun is shining very brightly in the sky. (改为感叹句)

    the sun is shining in the sky!


  • 41. 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。其中有两项是多余的

    A. You're welcome!

    B. First, find out the reason why you didn't do well in the math exam.

    C. You did them so well.

    D. Is there anything wrong?

    E. How are you feeling today?

    F. But how can you help me with my math?

    A: Hi,Lisa! You look upset. .

    B: Yes. I did badly in the math exam. I'm afraid to tell my parents about it. I think they will be unhappy.

    A: . Though your parents are strict with you, they also love you.

    B: You are right. But what can I do?

    A: . Then, work hard at your math. And I can help you with it.

    B: It's really kind of you. .

    A: You can come to my house after school every day.

    B: Thank you so much!

    A: .


  • 42. 根据句意。用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,有两个词是多余的.

    role     refuse      shy       painting    elder     boss      look

    (1)、There are a lot of in the museum.
    (2)、What will the boy play in the new movie?
    (3)、John's son is ten, and his younger son is six.
    (4)、We invited him to come to the party, but he .
    (5)、Mr. Green is the of the fast food restaurant.


  • 43. 假如你是Sally,你的好朋友Susan最近心情不好,担心即将来临的考试。请你根据以下提示,给Susan写—封信,鼓励她并给她—些建议。要求70词左右。


    提示词汇:confidence信心;go over复习