
试卷更新日期:2018-06-26 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 根据图示,补全单词            
    (1)、 scssors
    (2)、 rbber
    (3)、 vse
    (4)、 bll
    (5)、 crwn
  • 2. His mother is a (write / writer)
  • 3. Joe sometimes     fishing with his father.
    A、go B、going C、goes
  • 4. In the future, our school will     different.
    A、be B、is C、are
  • 5. They all praised her     her hard work.
    A、at B、for C、by
  • 6. Some stories are     I like "The wind and the sun“.
    A、plastic B、well-known C、lazy
  • 7. Miss Wang is     the books on the desk.
    A、puts B、put C、putting
  • 8. There are a lot of houses      gardens in the countryside.
    A、in B、with C、for
  • 9. I am good     singing but I can't swim.
    A、at B、for C、in
  • 10. We don't need     wishes.
    A、any B、a C、some
  • 11. What     you do yesterday evening?
    A、do B、did C、doing
  • 12. What changes     you like to see in the-world?
    A、will B、can C、would
  • 13. the, live, I, in, city (.)
  • 14. father, fan, a, his, is, football (.)
  • 15. not, will, students, books, carry (.)
  • 16. looks, horse, this, powerful (.)
  • 17. saw, I, her, ago, two, minutes (.)
  • 18. 判断正误

        Sally and Kitty are good friends. They study in the same school but different classes. After school they often go home together. They like swimming and going fishing. On Sundays they often go to the park and fly kites. They run with the kites near the river. When they see their kites high up in the sky, they are happy. But their favorite sports are different. Sally likes playing volleyball and Kitty likes playing basketball.

    (1)、Sally and Kitty like swimming and going fishing.
    (2)、They usually stay at home on Sundays.
    (3)、Sally and Kitty study in the same class.
    (4)、They are happy when they see their kites high up in the sky.
    (5)、Sally likes playing basketball and Kitty likes playing volleyball.
  • 19. 阅读理解

        Mr. White lives in the countryside with his wife, Mrs. White. From Monday to Friday he works in a small office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden near his house. He likes growing flowers and he usually works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are colourful and beautiful. Mrs. White likes them very much. She often helps Mr. White. They live happily together.

    (1)、Mr Brown lives in the     with his wife.
    A、city B、town C、countryside
    (2)、He works     days a week in his small office.
    A、four B、five C、six
    (3)、He      work in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays.
    A、can B、can't C、is
    (4)、Mrs White likes     very much.
    A、crops B、flowers C、cats
    (5)、Mr White and his wife live     
    A、easily B、carefully C、happily


  • 20. 选出不同类的词        
    A、am B、is C、are D、may


  • 21. 选出不同类的词     
    A、school B、museum C、gatekeeper D、hospital


  • 22. 选出不同类的词      
    A、saw B、plays C、rides D、walks


  • 23. 选出不同类的词   
    A、glue B、craftsman C、tape D、ruler


  • 24. 选出不同类的词         
    A、writer B、cleaner C、fit D、photographer


  • 25. 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式



