牛津上海版(深圳用)2017-2018学年小学英语六年级下册Module 2测试卷(含小段音频)

试卷更新日期:2018-06-26 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 判断下列各组单词画线部分的发音,正确的写"T",错误的写"F"

    A. yes         B. you

    A. when       B. who

    A. wear      B. were

    A. hear        B. here

    A. race         B. tape

  • 2. Long time ago, there     an artist.
    A、is B、was C、were D、be
  • 3. One day, a leaf     my finger.
    A、fall B、catch C、cut D、cutted
  • 4. We run long     
    A、race B、races C、jump D、jumps
  • 5. The swimsuit should not     too big or too small.
    A、is B、are C、am D、be
  • 6. The door falls     the floor.
    A、into B、onto C、on D、down
  • 7. He likes playing      toy planes.
    A、with B、to C、for D、at
  • 8. What do you want to    
    A、make B、making. C、makes D、made
  • 9. I like the one     the left.
    A、on B、in C、at D、to
  • 10. 选择合适的答句

    A. I need a glass of water.

    B. For my mum.

    C. An egg.

    D. I want to make a chair.

    E. Do more exercises.

    (1)、What do you want to make?
    (2)、What do you need?
    (3)、That sounds nice. Who is it for?
    (4)、What should we do first?
    (5)、What are we going to draw today?
  • 11. 阅读理解

    A Party

    Donny: Kim and I want to throw a goodbye party for Chuck.

    It's this Saturday night at Kim's house.

    Tina: That's a good idea. What do we need to do?

    Kim: We need to buy some food and drinks. Tina, please meet me at 10 o'clock on Saturday morning. We'll go shopping.

    Tina: OK!

    Donny: Pam, you have a lot of great CDs. Please bring your CDs.

    Pam: Sure! I will take care of the music.

    Tina: Did you invite Chuck's other friends?

    Donny: Yes. We already invited them and gave them Kim's address. It will be fun.

    Tina: Wow! I can't wait for the party.

    Chuck: Hey! What party?

    (1)、What is the conversation about?
    A、Going to Kim's house. B、Going shopping for Chuck. C、Throwing a party for Chuck. D、Sending an e-mail to friends.
    (2)、When will the party take place?
    A、10 o'clock on Saturday morning. B、Sunday morning. C、Saturday night. D、Sunday night.
    (3)、What will Pam do?
    A、Buy some snacks. B、Prepare some music. C、Take care of the food. D、Invite Chuck's other friends.
    (4)、Who will go shopping for food and drinks?
    A、Tina and Chuck. B、Donny and Pam. C、Tina and Pam. D、Tina and Kim.
    (5)、Why do you think they are throwing a party for Chuck?
    A、Because Chuck will throw a party for everyone. B、Because Chuck is going away. C、Because Chuck will take care of the music. D、Because Chuck has already invited his friends.


  • 12. 按要求写词          







  • 18. Miss Wang is     them about some paintings.
    A、tell B、telling C、tells D、to tell


  • 19. I need     scissors.
    A、a pair of B、a pair C、two D、a lot of
