
试卷更新日期:2017-01-13 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 判断下列每组单词划线部分字母的发音是否相同。

    (1)、 A. usually           B. use

    (2)、 A. blow              B. flower

    (3)、 A. pilot             B. hill

    (4)、 A. want                B. station


  • 2. We mustn't              with matches at home. It's dangerous.

    A、play B、plays C、playing
  • 3. The wind is blowing          . I feel cool and comfortable.

    A、gentle B、gently C、strong
  • 4. This is a flower shop. It is not far            my home.

    A、from B、near C、between
  • 5. Mrs. Li            gets up at 6:30. She gets up very early every day.

    A、sometimes B、always C、never
  • 6. -- What             Peter          now?

    -- He is reading in his room.

    A、does; do B、are; doing C、is; doing


  • 7. 连词成句,请注意句子的标点符号及字母的大小写形式。

    (1)、time, what, the, party, does, begin(?)

    (2)、children, are, their, flying, kites, happily, the(.)

    (3)、come, to, school, I, on, foot(.)



  • 12. 选择方框中的句子补全对话,将句子的字母代号写在横线上。

    A. Is he your new classmate?

    B. We're talking about our favourite team.

    C. We both like playing football.

    D. What are you doing now?

    E. Where are you?

    Mum: Dinner is ready, John!     

    John: I am in my bedroom.


    John: I am talking with my new friend.


    John: No. He lives in the UK. But we are in the same football club on the internet.   

    Mum: What are you talking about?

    John:  We both like Manchester United(曼联队).


  • 13.



    (1)、This is a part of the map of a              .

    A、zoo B、park C、city
    (2)、The City Museum is             the library and the park.

    A、beside B、between C、near
    (3)、The           is beside the No. 1 Supermarket.

    A、post office B、Happy School C、zoo
    (4)、-- How can you get to the zoo?


    A、The zoo is beside the library. B、Walk along Xinhua Road. Turn left at Beihai Road. The zoo is on your left. C、Walk along Xinhua Road. Turn right at Beihai Road. Walk straight and you can see the zoo on your left.
    (5)、Which one is wrong(错误的)?

    A、Walk along Xinhua Road and turn left, you can see a supermarket on your left. B、The Happy C School is behind the restaurant. C、The Sun Hotel is beside the City Museum.
  • 14. 根据表格提供信息,选择最佳答案。


    From: the USA

    Name: John Bush


    What he like: visiting museums, eating vegetables, watching birds

    Want to be: a cook

    From: Australia

    Name: Marc Sage


    What he like: climbing mountains, listening to music, playing with animals

    Want to be: a singer

    From: Canada

    Name: Alice Quick


    What he like: playing exciting games, riding a bike, visiting Chinese building

    Want to be: a teacher

    (1)、            is from Australia.

    A、Marc Sage B、John Bush C、Alice Quick
    (2)、John Bush likes          .

    A、climbing mountains B、watching birds C、riding a bike
    (3)、Marc Sage wants to be a             .

    A、cook B、singer C、teacher
    (4)、If you want to send an email to Alice, you can send it to               .

    A、alice123@    B、alice123@       C、
    (5)、-- Which of the following does not Alice like?

    --             .

    A、Playing exciting games B、Riding a bike C、Visiting museums
  • 15. 根据短文内容,完成下列各题。

        Fire can start in forests, homes and schools. It is very dangerous. What should we do when there is a fire? We should go outside quickly. And we have a fire drill at school every year.

        A fire drill is not a real fire, It helps us prepare for(为……准备) a real fire. This map tells us the way in a fire. We can follow the fire exit(出口) signs too. First, the fire alarm sounds. Next, we all line up and go out quickly. We leave all our things in the classroom. Then we walk down the stairs and go outside. We line up in the playground. Our teacher checks on the number of students. We should wait for the firemen to come.

    (1)、The fire drill is for us to prepare for a real fire.

    (2)、We don't need to follow the fire exit signs.

    (3)、If the fire alarm sounds, we all line up and go quickly.

    (4)、According to (根据) this passage(文章), where can fire start?

    (5)、Do we need to bring all our things in a fire drill?


  • 16. 同学们,本学期你们学了Water这个单元,请以“Water”为题,围绕以下问题用英语介绍以下水的来源,用途等方面的情况。40词左右。

    Questions: 1. Where does water come from?

    2. How do people use water?

    Work bank: pond, tap, river, rain, lake, sea……

    brush teeth, clean the floor, grow crops, put out fires, cook food……

                                                                                    Water is useful

        Water is around us. ……

        Water is useful. We must save water.