
试卷更新日期:2018-06-14 类型:期末考试




  • 11. In the afternoon,I go to the zoo      my parents.
    A、takes B、has C、with
  • 12. I like playing _____ guitar.
    A、a B、the C、/
  • 13. They are _______.
    A、strawberry B、strawberries C、strawberrys
  • 14. Daming can play______ football.
    A、/ B、the C、a
  • 15. Let's _______ together. 
    A、play B、playing C、plays
  • 16. -- What do you like doing? -           

    A、I like reading in my garden. B、I like them. C、He likes swimming.
  • 17. ______ guitar is it?
    A、Whose B、Who C、How
  • 18. I go to the beach and my family ____ Christmas Day.      
    A、on B、to C、in
  • 19. Please ____ and tell me about your New Year.
    A、write B、writes C、writing
  • 20. They catch a lot of _______.
    A、mouse B、mice C、mouses


  • 21. 当你想告诉别人,“太阳在傍晚落下。”你要怎么说?(   )
    A、The sun goes down in the evening. B、The sun rises in the morning. 
  • 22. 当你想问别人,“你喜欢做什么?”你要怎么问?______
    A、What do you like doing? B、What does he like doing?
  • 23. 当你想告诉别人,“这是我家人的照片。”你要怎么说____
    A、This is a photo of my classmates. B、This is a photo of my family.
  • 24. 当你想告诉别人,“我和我的家人去海滩。”你要怎么说______
    A、I go to the beach with my family. B、I go to the beach with my friends.
  • 25. 当你想告诉别人,“我喜欢我的影子。”,你要怎么说(   )
    A、I like my shadow. B、I don't like my shadow.


  • 26. 读一读,选择正确的词填空。

     time   to   past    o'clock    quarter     at    washes

    (1)、– What  is it? – It's nine .

    (2)、Kitty goes to school at a quarter  eight.

    (3)、Lily  her face at half  seven in the evening.

    (4)、She has dinner at a  past six in the evening.

    (5)、I have breakfast  a quarter to eight in the morning.


  • 27. 试—试, 选择合适的疑问词填空。

    Where   Whose     What    How

    (1)、— violin is it?—It's Peter's.
    (2)、— is it?—It is a guitar.
    (3)、— are you?—I'm fine, thank you.
    (4)、—is your guitar?—It's near the piano.



  • 33. 读短文,判断下列句子正误

        Hello,I'm Danny.This is my day.I get up at seven o'clock every morning. I wash my face and get dressed(穿上衣服).Then I have breakfast.After that I brush my teeth.I pack my bag and take nay lunch.I like sandwiches.I go to school by bus.I have four classes in the morning.I have lunch at twelve o'clock.Then I have two classes in the afternoon. I go home at half past three.I play with my friends or watch TV.Then I do my homework. I have dinner with my family.I have a shower and brush my teeth.I go to bed at eight o'clock.Busy day is finished.

    (1)、Danny brushes his teeth before breakfast.
    (2)、Danny goes to school by car.
    (3)、Danny goes to bed at eight o'clock.
    (4)、Danny has a shower in the morning.
    (5)、Danny watches TV at half past three.


  • 34.


    例: On Children's Day, Peter goes swimming in the morning. In the afternoon, he goes to the cinema with his brother. What a nice day!