
试卷更新日期:2018-06-14 类型:期末考试


  • 1. Henry _______.
    A、run B、runs C、running
  • 2. I like          .I can      very fast.
    A、ride a bike;ride B、ride a bike;riding C、riding a bike;ride
  • 3. They have dinner _______ six o'clock.
    A、at B、in C、on
  • 4. Children's Day is on the       of November in Canada.
    A、20th B、1st C、14th
  • 5. _____ eight o'clock, they start to work.
    A、To B、On C、At
  • 6. There are three lovely       on Mother Duck's back.
    A、babies B、baby C、the baby
  • 7. You are _____ shadow.
    A、my B、me C、I
  • 8. Peter and Daniel        on the computer on Saturday.
    A、say B、speak C、talk


  • 9. 当你想问别人,“你几点起床?”,你要怎么问______
    A、What time do you have lunch? B、What time do you get up?
  • 10. 当你想告诉别人,“让我们一起玩。”你要怎么说(   )
    A、Let's play together. B、Let's cut.
  • 11. 当你想告诉别人,“我在7:00起床。”你要怎么说______
    A、I get up at seven o'clock. B、I brush my teeth at seven o'clock.
  • 12. 当你想问别人,“你会弹吉他吗?”,你要怎么问____
    A、Can you play the piano? B、Can you play the guitar?
  • 13. 当你想告诉别人,“我喜欢音乐。”你要怎么说?_____
    A、I like music. B、I like sport.
  • 14. 当你想告诉别人,“我会弹钢琴。”你要怎么说?____
    A、I can play the piano. B、I can play the guitar.
  • 15. 当你想问别人,“你喜欢音乐吗?”你要怎么问:____
    A、Do you like sport? B、Do you like music?



  • 21. 选词填空。

    A.lives  B. sunny  C. April  D.weather  E.Christmas

    (1)、She in Australia.
    (2)、It is and warm.
    (3)、How is the in Australia?
    (4)、It's warm in .
    (5)、I go to the beach with my family on Day.


  • 22. 根据问句选择合适的答句。
    A. It's hard.
    B. It's strawberry juice.
    C. Twenty yuan.
    D. They're painting.
    E. Yes, I can.
    (1)、—What are they doing?

    (2)、—Can you swim?

    (3)、—How does it feel?

    (4)、—How much is the toy?

    (5)、—Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?



  • 28. 阅读判断。

    Hi Jill

        How are you?

        Today is Christmas, it's sunny and hot here. I go to the beach with my family on Christmas Day every year.Here is a photo of my family.

        Look at our red hats, aren't they lovely? This is Father Christmas, Look at him. He wears shorts in Australia!

        How's the weather in your city? Please write and tell me about your New Year.



    (1)、Today is Christmas.
    (2)、I go shopping with my family on Christmas day every year.
    (3)、Here is a photo of my classmates.
    (4)、Father Christmas wears his shirt in Australia.
    (5)、It is sunny and cold in Australia.


  • 29. Tim—家和他的朋友们在海滩上玩,他们都在做什么呢?看图写一写吧

    fly kites      paint a picture      read a book    eat sandwiches     watch birds       collect shells          swim in the sea

        Today is Sunday. Tim and his friends are playing at the beach. Look, Tim and John are flying kites. Betty……