
试卷更新日期:2018-06-13 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同
    A.car                  B.arm
    A.nurse                B.hamburger
    A.library              B.music
    A.bird                 B.girl
    A.cold                 B.sock
    A.horse                B.homework


  • 2. —What are those?
    —They are      .
    A、sheep B、cow C、horse
  • 3. —Do you have an art room?


    A、Yes, we have. B、Yes, we do. C、Yes, we are.
  • 4. The ________are nice.
    A、scarf B、umbrella C、sunglasses
  • 5. —Are ____ green beans? 

    —Yes, they are.

    A、these B、the C、that
  • 6. ________ do you like this skirt?
    A、How B、What C、Who
  • 7.                     the weather like in Qingdao?
    A、What    B What's B、what's
  • 8. There are many sheep ______ the farm.     

    A、in B、for C、on
  • 9. It's 7:15.It's time for      .
    A、go to school B、go to bed C、dinner
  • 10. It's time _______ home.   
    A、to go B、for go
  • 11. —What ________ is the coat?


    A、time B、colour C、day
  • 12. They're your ________.
    A、father B、father's C、fathers'
  • 13. It's        . Put on a hat.
    A、cold B、hot    C cool
  • 14. Do you have ______ art room?
    A、a B、an C、the
  • 15. Let's go to the _______. It's time for P.E.
    A、garden B、library C、playground
  • 16. 当你向他人寻求帮助时,你可以说:
    A、Can you help me? B、What can I do for you?


  • 17. 将图片与相应的单词或短语匹配。
             A.green beans


  • 18. 选词填空。

    (1)、 at these oranges.   
    (2)、They are so .
    (3)、 they apples?       
    (4)、I will some carrots.
    (5)、What are


  • 19. 根据情境,选择正确的答案。
    A.Let's go to the playground.
    B.Hurry up!
    C.What time is it now?
    D.It's time for English class.
    E.It's 7:30.It's time to go to school.


  • 20. 读句子,左右匹配
    ⑴What time is it?                            A. It's cool.
    ⑵Can I help you?                            B. I want some bananas.
    ⑶What's the weather like there?    C. It's blue.
    ⑷How many sheep are there?        D. It's nine o'clock.
    ⑸What colour is it?                         E. Twelve.


  • 21. 根据对话内容,判断正误

    Mum: Get up, Mike!

    Mike: Mum, what time is it now?

    Mum: It's eight o'clock.

    Mike: Oh, it's time to go to school. I'm late.

    Mum: Don't worry! It's Saturday today.

    Mike: I forgot it(忘记). What's the weather like today?

    Mum: It's rainy.

    Mike: Can I go to the library?

    Mum: No, you can't. It's cold outside. It's only 2 degrees. You can read books at home.

    Mike: OK, mum. Where's my schoolbag?

    Mum: It's in your study.

    Mike: Thank you, mum!

    (1)、Today is Sunday.
    (2)、It's ten o'clock. It's time to get up.
    (3)、Today is rainy.
    (4)、Mike wants to go to the library.
    (5)、Mike's mum doesn't agree(同意)because it's hot outside.
    (6)、Mike's schoolbag is in his study.