牛津上海版(深圳用)英语三年级上册Module 1 Getting to know you unit 2 how are you 同步测试(一)

试卷更新日期:2017-01-06 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 将问句与答句连线配对。

    ① Good afternoon, Danny.      A. Yes, it is.

    ② Hello, children.      B. Hello, Mr. Wang.

    ③ Is this your cake?      C. Good afternoon, Alice.

  • 2. 将问句与答句连线配对。

    ① How are you?      A. Seven.

    ② Are you Tom?     B. Very well, thanks.

    ③ How old are you?     C. Yes, I am.


  • 3. 见到同学非常高兴应该说:

    A、Nice to meet you. B、Hello.
  • 4. 早上见李老师应该说:

    A、Good morning, Mr. Li. B、Nice to meet you.
  • 5. 妈妈叫你去睡觉时,你说:        

    A、Go to bed now. B、Get up now. C、All right.
  • 6. 放学时,你对同学说:        

    A、Good night. B、See you. C、Hello.
  • 7. 妈妈叫你起床时,你说:        

    A、Get up. B、OK. C、Goodbye.
  • 8. 晚上睡觉前和妈妈说什么?

    A、Good morning, Mum. B、Good evening, Mum. C、Good night, Mum.
  • 9. 当你与别人见面时,想知道对方好不好,可以问什么?      

    A、How are you? B、And you? C、What's your name?
  • 10. 当你想告诉别人自己现在感觉不太好时,可以说什么?     

    A、Fine. B、Not so good. C、Not bad.
  • 11. 当你听到别人身体不佳时,要说什么?       

    A、Thank you. B、Goodbye. C、I'm sorry.
  • 12. 下列哪个词的意思与 “see you”一致?       

    A、bye B、thank C、fine
  • 13. 下列哪个词的意思与 “All right”相似?      

    A、Goodbye. B、OK. C、Sorry.


  • 14. Fine, thank you.       

    A、I'm fine. B、Not so good. C、Not bad, thank you
  • 15. Nice to meet you.

    A、How are you? B、How do you do? C、Glad to meet you.
  • 16. See you.       

    A、Good morning. B、Good night. C、Goodbye.


  • 17. ______ is Mr. Wang.     

    A、He B、She C、It
  • 18. — Good night, Mum.

    — Good______, Alice.     

    A、evening B、afternoon C、night
  • 19. — How are you today?

    — ______, thank you.     

    A、Five B、Nine C、Very well
  • 20. I_______ Miss Fang.     

    A、is B、are C、am




  • 39. 给下列句子编号。

    A. That's Lily. Lily, how are you?

    B. Very well, thank you, and you?

    D. Nice to meet you, Kate.

    E. I'm fine too. This is my friend, Kate.

    F. Nice to meet you too.



  • 42. Hi, I ________ Tom.  

    A、am B、is C、are
  • 43. — How are you today?

    — __________, thank you.  

    A、I'm fine B、thanks C、How are you
  • 44. — Hello, boys and girls.

    — Hello, __________.  

    A、I'm Miss Fang B、Miss Fang C、you're Miss Fang
  • 45. — _____, I'm your new teacher, Miss Li.

    — Good morning, Miss Li.  

    A、Goodbye B、Good morning C、Good night
  • 46. — What can you do?

    — _____________  

    A、I'm Mrs. Wang. B、I can skip a rope. C、I am six.
  • 47. This _______ our new teacher, Miss Chen.  

    A、am B、is C、are
  • 48. — I'm Miss Fang.

    — ____________  

    A、I'm Miss Fang. B、Thank you. C、Hello, Miss Fang.


  • 49. 读一读,根据上下文,填空完成对话。

    A: , Miss Fang.

    B: Good morning, Peter.

    A: How .

    B: , thanks.

    A: .

    B: Goodbye.

十一、找出句子的Miss, Mr. , Mrs.。

  • 50. 找出句子的Miss, Mr. , Mrs.。

    (1)、This is our new P.E. teacher, Mr. Wu. He is tall. This is our new Math teacher, Miss Li. She is beautiful.

    (2)、Look at my photo. This is my father, Mr. Xu. That is my mother, Mrs. Xu. This is me, little Xu Haidong.

    (3)、Can I help you, Miss? A pizza, please. Here you are. Thank you.


  • 51. 给下列句子编号。

    Kate:  Look, Mary! A girl is over there. Can you see her?

    Mary:  Which girl?

    Kate:  The one in the red coat under the apple tree. Do you know her?

    Mary:  That's Lily. Lily, how are you?

    Lily:   Very well, thank you, and you?

    Mary:  I'm fine too. This is my friend, Kate.

    Lily:   Nice to meet you, Kate.

    Kate:  Nice to meet you too.

    A. That's Lily. Lily, how are you?

    B. Which girl?

    C. Look, Mary! A girl is over there. Can you see her?

    D .The one in the red coat under the apple tree. Do you know her?

    E. Very well, thank you, and you?

    F. Nice to meet you, Kate.

    G. I'm fine too. This is my friend, Kate.

    H. Nice to meet you too.