
试卷更新日期:2018-06-08 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. —Do you know the man with ________ book in his hand?

    —Yes, he is my uncle. He is ________ engineer.

    A、a;an B、a;the C、the;a D、the;an
  • 2. The 13th National Games ________ in Tianjin on August 27th. It was very wonderful.
    A、holds B、is held C、was held D、held
  • 3. I'll give the book to him if he ________here next Sunday.
    A、will come B、comes C、is coming D、came
  • 4. —What do you think of the movie Wolf Warriors《战狼2》directed by Wu Jing?

    —Terrific. I like __________ very much.

    A、it B、him C、her D、you
  • 5. This Friday is my ________ birthday. Welcome to my party!
    A、the thirteenth B、the thirteen C、thirteen D、thirteenth
  • 6. —What do you think of the food in this restaurant?

    —Great! It is one of the________reataurants in our city.

    A、good B、well C、better D、best
  • 7. My brother _________several books written by Mo Yan so far.
    A、reads B、read C、has read D、will read
  • 8. —You can use this mobile phone to take photos.

    —I know, but could you tell me_________?

    A、when can I use it B、how I can use it C、how can I use it D、what can I use
  • 9. The girl with her friends_________ to the musemum onece a week.
    A、go B、goes C、went D、will go
  • 10. We must stick to our task _________it is finished.
    A、when B、if C、but D、till
  • 11. All of us cleaned up the park yesterday ________ Tom beacause he was ill at home.
    A、except B、besides C、with D、beside
  • 12. Lucy promised to go to the concert, but she didn't ______ when the concert was on.
    A、turn up B、take up C、wake up D、put up
  • 13. —Can you give me some _________ about how to keep healthy?

    —Sure! You need to take excercise at least twice a week.

    A、advices B、advice C、suggestion D、informations
  • 14. ________ sweet the flowers in the garden smell!
    A、What a B、What C、How a D、How
  • 15. This coat looks as nice as that one. You can take________ if you like them.
    A、all B、none C、both D、neither
  • 16. Do you know the way to the restaurant _________ provides Chinese food?
    A、where B、who C、which D、what
  • 17. Help others in need, ________ they will help you when you are in trouble.
    A、and B、but C、or D、so
  • 18. If you do your homework more________, you'll make fewer mistakes.
    A、easily B、hardly C、quickly D、carefully
  • 19. —Where is Mr. Brown?

    —He's sleeping. He ________ be very tired after working for twenty hours.

    A、must B、can C、should D、need
  • 20. —Jim, could you help me order a “Didi” taxi? My cellphone doesn't work.

    —___________. It will arrive in a few minutes, by the way, where are you going?

    A、You're welcome B、Sure C、Take it easy D、It doesn't matter


  • 21. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

        One day, there was an earthquake in a small mountain village. Nothing was destroyed and 1 was hurt. But a big rock fell from a nearby mountain and stopped in the middle of the road.

        When the earthquake2many people came to the road and saw the rock. Some of the strongest men tried to lift the rock off the road. But they couldn't move it. They tried to push it but3.They tried to pull it with ropes but nothing worked.

        “Well,” they all agreed, “There's nothing we can do about it. We'll have to change the road.” At this time a boy of 12 years old said, “I think I can help you to move the rock.”

        “You?” they shouted, “What are you talking about?” The men all4 at the boy.

        The next morning some people came into the street.One of them shouted, “The rock 5!” More people ran out to see. It was right. The rock wasn't in the road any more. It wasn't even near the road.

        “This is6,” they said, “Where did it go?”

        The boy stood in the street,7, “I told you I could move it last night. and I buried(埋) it.”

        The boy said.

        The people looked 8.“You see,” he said, “I dug a deep hole next to the rock and I dug a small incline(斜坡) up to the rock and the rock9down into the hole by itself. I covered it with earth.”

        The people shouted,“What a10 boy!” And some of them said, “Why haven't we thought of this good way?”

    A、somebody B、nobody C、anybody D、everybody
    A、stops B、started C、stopped D、happened
    A、walked B、stopped C、succeeded D、failed
    A、looked B、laughed C、called D、pointed
    A、disappeared B、arrived C、broken D、appeared
    A、possible B、dangerous C、special D、impossible
    A、crying B、running C、smiling D、thinking
    A、surprised B、sad C、happy D、relaxed
    A、lay B、ran C、walked D、dropped
    A、clever B、strong C、brave D、poor


  • 22. 阅读理解

        Life today is better than before. People eat more good food—meat, fish and eggs. They often go out for good meals with their families or friends. But they are easier to get ill, why?

        Because more meat and fish, less sports are bad for health, good sleep, less meat and enough sports are good for health. Our bodies need vegetables and fruit, too. There are a lot of vitamins in them, they are good for our eyes and skin.

        As for me, I like all sports. And I usually play sports for an hour after school. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I drink milk every day. I usually drink a cup of water 15 minutes before each meal. I don't eat junk food because it's not healthy. And I sleep eight hours every day.

    (1)、Why are people easier to get ill today?
    A、Because they do more sports and eat less meat. B、Because they eat more vegetables and play less sports. C、Because they eat more meat and play less sports. D、Because they play more sports and eat more vegetables.
    (2)、Which is bad for health?
    A、Good sleep B、Less sports C、Less meat D、Fruit and vegetables
    (3)、What does the word "vitamins" mean in Chinese?
    A、维生素 B、抗生素 C、青霉素 D、营养
    (4)、How long does the writer usually play sports?
    A、15 minutes B、Nine hours C、Two hours D、An hour
    (5)、What does the writer usually do before meals?
    A、Do some sports B、Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables C、Drink some water D、Drink some milk
  • 23. 阅读理解

        Today was quite an amazing day for me. It was the day that my father returned home from Russia. He had been away from us for over a year. I had missed him more than words could ever say. Although we were proud of him, we hoped that he could wake up under the same roof (屋顶) as us. Now the day had finally arrived. He had worked hard and it was now time for him to return home.

        Mom woke us at 6 a.m. to go to the airport. My father's flight (航班) was due to arrive at 9:30. “We don't want to be late!” she kept saying as she woke everyone up. She had no need to remind me! I quickly dressed, washed and had breakfast. I could not take my eyes off the clock all morning. Time was going so slowly. When it was 8:45, my mom told us all it was time to go. We all ran to the car and made our way quickly to the airport.

        We arrived just after 9 and waited patiently. But 9:30 came and went and our father's flight had still not arrived. I kept asking Mom where he was. She just kept smiling and saying he'd be there soon. Another 10 minutes went by, and suddenly a tall man appeared in the crowd. There was my father standing before me. He dropped his bags to the floor and hugged my sister and me. “I've missed you so much,” he said. We all cried together. I never want my father to be away for such a long time.

        Today was pretty perfect.


    (1)、What can we know from Paragraph 1?
    A、The writer was the pride of her family. B、The writer missed her father very much. C、The writer's father worked late every day.   D、The writer's father left home many years ago.
    (2)、Why did the writer say “She had no need to remind me!”?
    A、Because she knew that the plane would be late. B、Because she thought that they would be late. C、Because she would never want to be late.   D、Because she had never been late.
    (3)、When did the writer's father appear at the airport?
    A、At 8:45. B、At 9:00. C、At 9:30. D、At 9:40.
    (4)、From the passage, we can know that the writer's father__________.
    A、was tired after the plane ride B、missed his family very much C、wanted to go to Russia again D、thought his kids had grown up a lot
    (5)、The passage is probably taken from _________.
    A、a diary B、a report C、a dictionary D、an instruction
  • 24. 任务型阅读


    Hang out with people, and you will have many friends and join in with their plans.

    Share things with your friends. If you buy an interesting book, read with them and you will find that you will get much more fun.

    Be an patient listener. So that others can tell that you are really interested in what they are saying.

    Never try to ask about other's private things. Share “safe thoughts” with them first. What is a safe thought? It might be something about school or TV or your favorite football team.

    Be a positive person. Talk about the good things in your life. No one wants to be troubled by problems all the time.

    A. Jack always complains about everything and asks his friends for help. Soon his friends are all tired of him.

    B. Joy never cares about others' feelings when she is talking. Once her friend Judy made a mistake, then Joy talked it loudly to others. Judy was angry. She thought Joy laughed at her.

    C. Li Lei is too shy and quiet, he always stays alone and he never goes out with others. When there is an activity, he seldom takes part in it. He wants to change this.

    D. Gina often borrows thingd from her friends but never gives back to them. Her friends are angry and don't want to be her friends any longer.

    E. Kate likes to ask others about their personal things. She thinks it is nothing between good friends.

    F. Julie is very mean. She likes candies but whenever she buys some candies, she never gives some to her friends.

    G. Jane is impatient. She always interupts her friends when they are talking.


  • 25. 阅读下面的短文,根据短文大意在每个空格上填上一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

        In some ways American families are very different from Chinese ones, but in other ways they are the. For example, American families enjoy family dinners, support and love each other just as Chinese families do. many Chinese students are surprised to learn that American teenagers are allowed to make manyon their own, and the parents want their children to leave home at eighteen, because they think their children have grown  This is different from China.

        In most American families, children are encouraged to make their own at a young age. They start with small choices and gradually larger onesthey graduate(毕业) from high school. Parents and family will help the choice, but the children themselves make the final decision.

        Americans seldom move back into family homes they get older. Instead, they to have their own lives. It is important to remember that these are cultural(文化的), and that Americans see this as part of the culture.


  • 26. 信息归纳

        Jia Meng used to keep a diary in Chinese. But one year ago, the 14-year-old girl from Heilongjiang Province began to write her diary in English, because Jia found her mother was reading her diary secretly. She changed the language because her mother can't read English. “It's like killing two birds with one stone.” said Jia, “My private things become safe and my English improves a lot.”

        Jia's mother is not the only mom who reads her child's diary. Recently, Renmin University of China had a survey among over 23,000 parents. The results show that 40% of parents read their children's sectects. That's why many teenagers try to find ways to protect their privacy(隐私).

        Wu Lei, 15, of Shanxi, keeps a diary, too. But he doesn't write it on paper. He writes online which he thinks is perfectly safe because his parents know nothing about the Internet.

        Lu Huan, 13, of Guangdong, said her parents always secretly listened to the talk between her friends and her on the telephone in their room. To solve this problem, Lu asked her parents to buy her a mobile phone.

        “Parents want to know what is going on in their children's lives,” said Shao Xiazhen, a teenage expert in Beijing. “But sometimes they go about it the wrong way.” Shao suggested to teenagers that instead of hiding their secrets, talking to parents should be a better solution. “If your parents know that you are safe, they'll let you keep your secrets.”

    Information Card

    The time when Jia Meng began to write her diary in English

    The university which had a survey among over 23,000 parents

    The way that Wu Lei writes his diary

    The thing that Lu Huan asked her parents to buy

    Shao Xiazhen's suggestion to teenagers

  • 27. 书面表达

        假如你是小红,你校就青少年与父母关系这一话题开题开展题为“How to keep a good relationship with parents”的征文活动。请你根据以下要点写一篇英文短文参加此次活动。






    How to keep a good relationship with parents

        In my opinion, I have too many family rules at home.